
2,522: Vice President Recruitment

Last Revised: November 2023

The procedures for selecting vice presidents are:

  1. The President shall request nominees for a search committee to assist with the recruitment and screening of candidates.
  2. The committee shall consist of no fewer than eleven members, plus alternates, as follows: five faculty members, two members of Senior Leadership, two students, one classified employee, the Faculty Senate Chair, and one or more members selected by the President from any of the above or from outside the University.
  3. The President shall select the members from nominees presented to him as follows:
    1. Faculty Nominees – The Faculty Senate Office shall conduct a university-wide election of faculty nominees to the committee. The Faculty Senate shall select ten of the twenty faculty members receiving the greatest number of votes and shall nominate those ten to the President. The President shall select five members of the committee from this group of ten.
    2. Student Nominees – For a Vice President for Research & Innovation search, the GSA shall nominate four students to the President. The President shall choose two students from that organization as members of the committee. For all other vice president searches, the ASUN and GSA shall each nominated two students to the President. The President shall choose one student from each organization as a member of the committee.
    3. Classified Employee Nominees – The Staff Employees Council shall nominate two classified employees. The President shall select one of the two nominees as a member of the committee.
    4. Alternates – Alternates shall be named by the President from the remaining names forwarded to him. Alternates shall not participate in any committee activities until such time as they are named as full members of the committee by the President.
    5. Other – If the President feels it is appropriate, representation on the committee can be broadened to include one or more representatives from other university stakeholder groups.
  1. The President shall convene the first meeting of the committee and give the committee its charge. At this first meeting, the President shall present the position description to the committee, review procedures to be followed, and appoint a chair.
  2. The committee and the President may consult at any time during the search and interview process.
  3. When at least three top candidates have been identified, their names shall be made known to the nominating groups and to the university community. Curriculum vitae for the candidates, with the exception of letters of recommendation, shall be available for examination. Input from all interested parties will be welcomed prior to deciding upon the names to be forwarded to the President.
  4. The committee shall present an unranked list of three or more candidates to the President and shall meet with the President to discuss the proposed candidates. The President can reject the slate of nominees and request a new slate.
  5. During the interviewing process, in addition to meeting with the recruitment and screening committee, representatives of the department of the candidate’s discipline, chief administrators, representatives of faculty, students, and classified employee groups with whom the candidate would work, there shall be a meeting with each candidate open to the general public, the news media, and all members of the university community.