61: Records Retention and Disposition Schedule
Revised: May 2018
The University of Nevada, Reno complies with the NSHE Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. The policy is located in the .
Section 1. Introduction
This Records Retention and Disposition Schedule was approved by the Board of Regents on December 3, 2015, pursuant to the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 27, and may be amended or revised only upon the approval of the Chancellor.
Records Management Program
Each NSHE institution and unit (the Board of Regents', Chancellor's and System Computing Services' offices), for the management of its records, must:
- Maintain its records in a manner which is secure, cost effective, and which allows for the rapid retrieval and protection of the information contained within the record;
- Refrain from accumulating unnecessary records which are not essential to the proper functioning of the institution or unit;
- Protect confidential personal identifying information of employees and students; and
- Adhere to the NSHE records retention schedule for retention, disposal and appropriate transfer of records with archival value to the institution or unit archivist, or the State Archivist.
Records Retention Schedule - Special Schedules
NSHE's Records Retention Schedule (Schedule) provides for the management and disposition of institution and unit records. In addition, there may be institution or unit records unique to limited aspects of its operation and therefore, a unique records retention and disposition schedule may be developed in addition to the Schedule. A Special Records Retention Schedule (Special Schedule) must be recommended for approval by the institution or unit Records Retention Officer and General Counsel, and approved by the Chancellor, after review by the state records committee.
An approved Special Records Retention Schedule must be published on the institution or unit website and in the NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual.
All NSHE institutions and units shall appoint at least one individual to serve as the Records Retention Officer. The Records Retention Officer shall assist the institution or unit in the management of records in accordance with the records management program and records retention schedule. The Records Retention Officer shall assist personnel in learning and complying with the Schedule. Each employee shall comply with the Schedule for the records they create and/or receive. Each institution and unit must manage their records in accordance with the Schedule or any Special Schedule. Employees should contact their supervisors with any questions regarding the Schedule. The supervisor should contact the Records Retention Officer for assistance as needed.
If an institution or unit identifies records that are not covered in the Schedule or where revisions may be needed, the institution or unit should contact the Records Retention Officer to discuss the Records Retention Schedule. Additions or revisions to the Schedule must be recommended for approval by the institution or unit Records Retention Officer and General Counsel, and approved by the Chancellor after review by the state records committee.
Retention Guidelines
The Schedule is a comprehensive list of records, indicating for each the official repository, length of time the records are to be maintained and their disposition. The Schedule identifies the minimum time period the listed records must be retained, meaning records disposition must not occur before this retention time period expires. When the minimum retention period has been met, the recommended disposition of the records, such as destruction or transfer to either the State Archives or institution/unit archives, may be initiated. All NSHE employees are advised to implement regular, routine disposition procedures and not to "selectively retain" some records longer than others. Certain events called "Disposition Holds" may occur that will require a stop or delay to the regular destruction, recycling or normal disposal of records.
In the event an employee believes a record should be considered for archival review, the employee shall consult with the Records Retention Officer, who shall make the final decision.
General Rule Regarding Retention of Electronic Record or Paper Record
Records should be maintained in the most efficient cost effective format consistent with sound records management principles, and any applicable laws, rules, regulations or court decisions. When a document is maintained only in electronic format, delete it only after expiration of the retention period authorized by this schedule.
Disposition Holds Include:
When an audit of your area or function is begun, all destruction of records in your custody must cease. During the audit, records should be made available to the auditors subject to confidentiality laws. Upon the completion and resolution of the audit, you may begin to dispose of records in accordance with the Schedule.
When you are notified of an investigation involving your area or function, all records must be preserved until the investigation is completed. You should consult with your legal counsel for specific advice.
When you receive notification of or reasonably anticipate litigation, you must suspend the destruction or other disposition of all records reasonably related to the subject matter of the litigation and put in place a litigation hold on the records to ensure the preservation of documents and consult with General Counsel.
All destruction of records pertaining to the litigation hold must be stopped until the matter has been resolved. You will be notified by your System or General Counsel when the matter is resolved and advised regarding the proper disposition of the records. All questions regarding litigation or disposition holds must be directed to System or institution General Counsel.
Section 2. Statutory Defined Terms
"Administrative value" means the value found in records that help an agency perform its function. (NAC 239.575)
"Fiscal value" means the value found in a record relating to the financial transactions and the auditing, budgeting and accounting functions of a state agency. (NAC 239.600)
"Legal value" means the value found in a record which contains proof of enforceable rights, obligations or other legal standing. The term includes any record establishing:
1. Ownership, such as in titles or deeds;
2. Rights or privileges, such as in marriage licenses or drivers' licenses;
3. Obligations, such as in contracts, leases and agreements;
4. Legal conditions, such as court rulings, approved laws and regulations; or
5. Action taken by a governing body (e.g., Board of Regents, student government and foundation boards) which affects the public, such as minutes of meetings or proclamations. (NAC 239.625)
"Research or archival value" means the long-term historical value remaining in a record in which the administrative, fiscal or legal value may have expired. (NAC 239.675)
"Official State Record" and "Non-Records"
- For the purposes of NRS 239.080, an "official state record" means information created or received by a state agency under authority of law, regulation or other legal mandate or in connection with the transaction of public business that is preserved or appropriate for preservation by the agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the state agency, including, without limitation, all papers, unpublished books, maps, photographs, machine readable materials including audio and audiovisual materials, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics.
- The phrase does not include non-record materials. Non-record materials include, without limitation:
- Published books and pamphlets, books and pamphlets printed by a governmental printer, answer pads for a telephone or other informal notes, desk calendars, stenographers' notebooks after the information contained therein has been transcribed, unused forms except ballots and as indicated in a retention schedule, brochures, newsletters, magazines, newspapers except those excerpts used as evidence of publication, scrapbooks, physical property, artifacts, library and museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preserved only for convenience of reference, or stocks of publications and processed documents.
- Work papers used to collect or compile data, or drafts developed from those work papers, unless an appraisal conducted that indicates the work papers or drafts have legal, fiscal, research or archival value. (NAC 239.705)
Destruction of Non-Records
A non-record may, if not otherwise prohibited by law, be destroyed at any time without being scheduled for destruction.
Form of Official Records
An official record can be in electronic or digital fore, original paper, or may be a digital surrogate, at the discretion of the official repository.
Section 3. Duties of Board of Regents
NAC 239.745
- The Board of Regents shall establish a records management program. The Board of Regents shall provide a facility for the storage of the records on each campus of the Nevada System of Higher Education. The records of each institution must remain with and be preserved by that institution. The Board of Regents shall furnish the Division with general information relating to the operation of the facilities, such as the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the persons managing the program on each campus. Under such a program, each series of records produced and stored by an institution of the Nevada System of Higher Education must be inventoried, appraised and scheduled on forms approved by the Division. The results of the inventory and appraisal must be submitted to the Division for review. The Division shall submit the schedules of the Nevada System of Higher Education to the Committee for approval.
- The Board of Regents shall provide for the preservation of records from the Nevada System of Higher Education with legal, research or archival value. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, these records must be stored in facilities which meet the standards set forth in NAC 239.740 or transferred to the State Archives.
Section 4. Who Should Read This Policy
All members of the NSHE community.
Section 5. Procedures - Institution/Units
Responsibilities for Managing Records
- Each institution or unit's administrator or a designee must do the following:
- Implement the institution or unit's records-management practices;
- Ensure that the records-management practices are consistent with this policy.
- Assist staff within the institution or unit in understanding sound records management practices.
- Preserve inactive records of legal, fiscal, administrative, or historical value. These records should be transferred to the appropriate archives.
- Ensure that access to confidential files is restricted. Long-term restrictions on access to selected archival records should be specified at the time of their transfer to the appropriate archives.
- Set an annual period for reviewing and appropriate disposition of records.
- Departments and divisions that maintain institution or unit records are responsible to do the following:
- Implement the records management practices identified in this policy.
Section 6. Records Retention Schedule Columns Explanation
The four columns in the Record Retention Schedule are explained below.
Column 1 describes the various types of records which can include:
- Record: Any form of recorded information, regardless of physical characteristics, that is created, received, recorded, maintained or legally filed in the course of institution or unit's business or in legal obligations. Institution/Unit Records serve as evidence of the institution or unit's organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, transactions or other activities.
- Non-record: Non-record materials include, without limitation, published materials printed by a governmental printer, informal notes, unused blank forms except ballots, brochures, newsletters, magazines, catalogs, price lists, drafts, convenience copies, ad hoc reports, reference materials not relating to a specific project and any other documentation that does not serve as the record of an official action of a state agency. Non-record includes forms, databases, backup files, work papers used to collect or compile data, or drafts developed from those work papers, unless an appraisal conducted by the institution/unit or state archivist indicates that the work papers or drafts have legal, fiscal, research or archival value; and Drafts or documents that are clearly pre-decisional or deliberative.
- Transient: Documents including telephone messages, some emails, drafts and other documents, which serve to convey information of a temporary value, have a very short-lived administrative, legal and/or fiscal value and should be disposed in an appropriate manner once that administration, legal or fiscal use has expired.
- Typically, the retention is not a fixed period of time and is event driven; it may be as short as a few hours and could be as long as several days or weeks. A transient record is considered a non-record which may be destroyed or disposed of at any time, unless destruction is otherwise prohibited or it is subject to a legal hold.
- Note: Where a record falls into more than one category, the longer period governs. Caution: Departments and divisions that are not official repositories are not required to retain duplicate or multiple copies of records. However, destruction of such duplicates or copies must be in a secure manner if confidential.
- Caution: Certain records, for example in clinical practices, have set destruction policies based on when they are electronically scanned. Such specific policies take precedence over this general policy.
What is Email? Email is not a record type, but is a means of conveying information similar to the United States Postal Service. Its retention is based upon the content of the email message, not the fact that it is an email message.
An email (electronic mail) message is comprised of the following components:
- textual message
- metadata (To, From, Subject, Time, Date, System, etc.)
- attachments
Email has largely taken over the role of "general correspondence" and memoranda, as well as the telephone message. If the email message meets the criteria of a record, it must be managed in accordance with the Schedule.
Email Management: The key to effectively managing email is to get rid of the non-records and any transient/transitory records that have outlived their administrative/legal/fiscal value as quick as possible so only those e-mails that need to be managed on an on-going basis are left. One should approach the management of email in a manner similar to the handling "snail mail" at work and home
- Open the email and review the document's content; this may mean thoroughly reading the document, but usually, only a cursory look at the document, the subject line, and/or the sender is needed to determine whether:
- It is a non-record and should be deleted immediately, just as "junk snail-mail" non- records are thrown into the trash can or recycle bin.
- It is a transient/transitory record which should be disposed of as soon as the information is no longer of administrative, legal or fiscal value. A "Transient/Transitory" folder or a sub-folder in a series for the transient/transitory messages can be created to help manage these records
- It is a record and therefore, should be placed in an appropriate folder by record type/series, project, retention time, or other filing schema that works for one's office/organization and allows that unit to effectively manage the life cycle of the record.
Column 2 identifies the Official Repository for each record.
- Official Repository: The unit, department, or division designated as having responsibility for retention and timely destruction of particular types of institution or unit records or that is the office of the final action or final decision. Such responsibility is assigned to the unit, department or division administrator or a designee.
- Institution/Unit Archives: The office, department or division designated as having responsibility for collecting and preserving records of historical, legal, fiscal, and administrative value. It provides permanent retention of official records of the institution, its officers, and component parts; maps and architectural records; audiovisual materials; and publications documenting the institution's history.
Column 3 sets forth the record retention periods, which can either be set periods of time or event-driven periods. Below is an explanation of retention period terminology:
- Documents are typically retained until they are no longer required for administrative purposes, and then they may be immediately disposed of or there may be a retention period set forth after the documents are no longer in use. Examples: Strategic Plans must be retained for 1 year after a new strategic plan is adopted. For employee or student records the retention period begins when the employee terminates service, the student graduates, or from the date the student last enrolled.
- Fiscal Year in which the document is created or an event occurs plus a specified time or number of fiscal years, e.g. "FY + 4 years," which means the document is to be kept for the fiscal year in which it was created plus 4 more fiscal years; "FY last date of enrollment + 7 years," which means the document is to be kept for the fiscal year in which the student last enrolled plus seven more fiscal years.
- Calendar Year in which the document is created plus a specified time or number of calendar years, e.g. "CY + 4 years," which means the document is to be kept for the calendar year in which it was created plus 4 more calendar years.
- 3 Cycles: This retention period pertains to the retention of electronic back-up files.
- Life of Building: This retention period pertains specifically to buildings. The final retention period begins when a building is destroyed or sold.
- Life of Product: This retention period pertains specifically to products. The final retention period begins when the product is no longer in use.
- Permanent: Do not destroy. Maintain on site or send to Archives.
- Until Superseded: This retention period pertains to documents that are routinely updated and therefore, superseded by the current version.
Column 4 sets forth the proper disposition of the records following the expiration of the retention period.
Most records may be disposed of by regular means, such as recycling or deleting. Some record types are identified on retention schedules as confidential or restricted. These records must be destroyed in a secure manner that will prevent reconstruction or retrieval of the information including but not limited to incineration, shredding, pulping or secure electronic destruction by overwriting, degaussing or physical destruction of the storage media. However, many other records may contain "sensitive" information that has not been declared by law or regulation to be confidential. Some types of "sensitive" information are described in NRS 205.4617 "Unlawful Acts Regarding Personal Identifying Information." NRS Chapter 239B "Disclosure of Personal Information to Governmental Agencies" (See especially NRS 239B.030) also describes such records. Serious consequences may result if these records are improperly disclosed and you must destroy these records in accordance with the Schedule. If you are in doubt about the sensitivity of certain documents or about an appropriate disposal method, you should contact your supervisor.
If any record identified for regular disposition contains confidential or restricted information, then the record shall be destroyed after the period specified in the schedule, but in a secure manner.
The following are the proper disposition methods that are referred to in the Schedule:
"Regular"--Regular disposal includes, for example, discarding, throwing away, deleting or other method of disposal that does not necessarily prevent reconstruction or retrieval.
"Secure"--Secure disposal means destruction of the record that ensures the information cannot be reconstructed or retrieved, and includes, for example, incineration, maceration, shredding, pulping, or secure electronic destruction, for example, overwriting, degaussing or physical destruction of the storage media. Shred or otherwise render unreadable records with confidential information, including records containing social security numbers, credit card information, drivers' license numbers, patient treatment information, or other information as designated by an information steward.
"Archival Review"--Records with content that may be of value to the documenting the institution, unit or NSHE's history, should be submitted to the institution/unit archives or State Archives for review prior to destruction. When the prescribed retention period for institution or unit records has passed, a determination of whether to preserve or dispose of the documents must be made. To decide if the record is of historic value, consult the appropriate archivist, who has the authority to designate which records are archival.
"Archives"--Records with long-term historical value in documenting the institution, unit or NSHE's history must be transferred to the institution/unit archives or State Archives. These are records for which the legal, administrative or fiscal value to the institution or unit may have expired and therefore, the records can be transferred to the appropriate archives for preservation. All institutions must send any records (paper-based or electronic) that have enduring historical value to the institution or State Archives. These records include, but are not limited to, the following items: annual reports, biographical information of faculty and staff, any information related to the history of the institution or unit and its facilities.
Institution/Unit Archives: The office, department or division designated as having responsibility for collecting and preserving records of historical, legal, fiscal, and administrative value. It provides permanent retention of official records of the institution, its officers, and component parts; maps and architectural records; audiovisual materials; publications; and other materials documenting the institution's history.
"On Site"--Records with a demonstrated on-going legal, fiscal or administrative need to a particular area of the institution or unit shall be maintained permanently at that location which may include maintenance in an electronic system retrievable at that location.
"Other"--Other specific directions for disposition may be provided in the Schedule.
Unless a different "Official Repository" is set forth below, all records should be maintained in the office where they are generated.
Section 7. Records Retention Schedule
Accounts Payable/Invoice Records | Administration & Finance or Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Bad Debt Documentation: Overdue accounts, such as library fines parking tickets, loans, payment for service rendered | Controller's Office or Business Center | FY + 4 years after payment or write-off | Regular |
Bank Reconciliations and Related Workpapers | Administration & Finance | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Bids, Accepted: For purchases | Purchasing | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Bids, Rejected: For purchases | Purchasing | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Bonds/Securities/Certificates of Participation Files | Administration & Finance | FY final redemption + 4 years | Archives |
Cash Register Tapes/Cash & Credit Card Receipt Documentation | Administration & Finance; Controller's Office or Office Where Generated | FY + 4 years | Regular |
Chart of Accounts: An institutional list of the accounts and their identification coding | Administration & Finance; Controller's Office | FY + 4 years | Regular |
Cost Accounting Documentation: Records analyzing the cost of producing certain items or performing certain tasks | Office Where Generated and/or Controller's Office | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Delivery Slips: Documents sent with purchased goods indicating item(s) shipped | Office Where Generated or Controller's Office | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Endowment Fund Reports, Annual: Report of funds received and expended by endowment accounts. May be in form of report to donors | Foundation or System Office Where Reports Generated | FY + 7 years | Archives |
Endowment Fund Reports, Periodic: Periodic report of funds collected or expended by endowment accounts | Foundation or System Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Financial Reports/Work Papers, Annual: Consolidated year-end report of financial documentation showing assets and liabilities, broken down by major funding areas, such as academic and student services areas | Administration & Finance | FY + 3 years | Archives |
Financial Reports, Quarterly/Interim: A report of institutional assets, liabilities, expenditures, income and equities. A periodic report, not the year-end report | Administration & Finance | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Fraud Files | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Fraudulent Checks | Office Where Received or Where Investigated | FY received + 3 years | Secure |
Inventory Control Record | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Inventory Control Record | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Journals: Documentation of institutional cash transactions, petty cash transactions/replenishments, including disbursements and receipts Records used to transfer charges between accounts and for summarizing account information |
Institution Controller's Office |
FY + 5 years |
Regular |
Purchase Orders (POs) | Controller's Office | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Purchasing Card (PCard) & Travel Card/Travel Claim Documentation: Including statements from bank regarding PCard and Travel Card use, transaction forms, and other supporting documentation | Controller's Office | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Registers-Bond: Listing of bonds sold, usually for building projects, showing purchaser, date redeemed, interest due, etc. | Administration & Finance | FY of final redemption + 4 years | Regular |
Registers-Check: Book or original entry for all cash disbursements paid by check | Administration & Finance; Controller's Office | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Requisitions | Business Center | FY + 4 years | Regular |
Student Account Records | Office Where Generated | FY last date of enrollment + 7 years | Secure |
Surplus Property Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Timekeeping Documentation: Includes documentation of staff, work-study students, and non-work-study students | Office Where Generated or Human Resources | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Trusts/Bequests | Foundation; Fundraising Office | Permanent | On Site or Archives |
Warranties (e.g., products, construction, etc.) | Administration & Finance | Life of product + 7 FY | Regular |
Accreditation Records | Office of the President | FY + 10 years | Archives |
Advertising | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Articles of Incorporation/ Bylaws and Records of NSHE or Related Entities: Including foundations, research corporations, etc. | Office Where Generated | Permanent | On Site or Archives |
Calendars of Events | Office Where Generated | Until superseded | Archival Review; Regular |
Camp or Activity Involving Children: Registration and other documents | Office Where Generated | FY + 25 years, or age of majority plus 7 FY | Secure |
Chancellor Files | Chancellor's Office | FY + 4 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Councils/Committees Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Day Care Center Licensing | Office Where Generated | FY + 25 years, or age of majority plus 7 FY | Secure |
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 4 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Environmental Monitoring Records | Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 5 years | Regular |
General Files: Consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, email and publications of other departments of NSHE and external agencies | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Secure |
General Files-Upper Administration: Consists of files of the vice chancellors, vice presidents, provosts, deans, directors, chairs and upper-level administrators including email | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Incident/Accident Reports | Office Where Generated; Risk Management | FY + 7 years, or age of majority plus 7 FY | Archives |
Logs: Includes but not limited to mail logs, telephone logs, lists and schedules used to monitor work functions | Office Where Generated | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Mailing Lists | Office Where Generated | Until superseded | Secure |
Motor Vehicle Records: Including copies of title, maintenance and usage | Administration & Finance | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Organizational Charts | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Archives |
President Files | Office Where Generated | FY + 4 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Public Records Request Files | Public Records Officer or Counsel | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Reports-General | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Strategic Plans | President; Provost; Office Where Generated | FY + 1 year | Archives |
Surplus Property Records | Business Center | FY + 3 years | Regular |
System, Institution or Unit Policy: Policies provide specific direction for operations, administration, or programs. Policies are applicable institution- or unit-wide Policies enhance the institution or unit's mission and operational efficiency, mandate action or constraints, and must be consistent with relevant statues, regulations, bylaws, or rules | Board of Regents; Chancellor; President or Office Where Generated | Until superseded | Archives or On Site |
Telephone Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Mandatory Training Course Documentation: Memoranda, flyers, catalogues, registration forms, rosters and other records relating to training courses | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Affirmative Action Programs Pursuant to Qualified Disabled Veterans and Vietnam Veterans Act | EEOC Office; Office Where Generated | FY + 2 years | Regular |
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Compliance Records | Human Resources | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Requests for Accommodation, Responses and Related Documentation | Human Resources | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Complaints of Prohibited Discrimination, Protected Status (including Sexual Harassment) | Student Conduct Office; EEOC Office; Title IX Coordinator; Title VII Office; Human Resources | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Investigated Complaints of Discrimination that are Dismissed or that Result in Finding of Merit Maintained | Student Conduct Office; EEOC Office; Title IX Coordinator; Title VII Office; Human Resources | 100 years | On Site |
Title VII, ADA, and/or GINA Required Reports (Higher Education Staff Information Report EEO-6) | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Academic Progress Rate | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
Athletic Scholarships (non-Title | Athletic Department | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Coach and Assistant Coach Files | Athletic Department | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Conference Waivers | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
Eligibility Certification | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) Disclosures | Athletic Department | Federal Requirements | Regular |
Financial Aid Documents | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
Fitness Facility Use Records & Waiver Forms | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Graduation Success Report | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
NCAA Squad List | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
NCAA Violations | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
NCAA Waivers | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
Player Recruiting Records | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Secure |
Recruiting Rules & Regulations | Athletic Department | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Rules & Regulations | Athletic Department | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Scouting Reports | Athletic Department | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Sport Schedules | Athletic Department | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Sports Program (for events) | Athletic Department | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Statement of Revenues and Expenses Filed with NCAA Annually | Athletic Department | NCAA Requirements | Regular |
Student Affidavits | Athletic Department | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Audit Reports Files-External | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Audit Reports Files-Internal | Office Where Generated | FY +7 years | Secure |
Working Papers | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Agendas & Supporting Material for Board or Committee Meetings | Board of Regents Office | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Audiotape | Board of Regents Office | FY + 5 years; Permanent if no minutes are generated | Secure |
General Files: Including correspondence, memoranda; procedures, announcements, etc. | Board of Regents Office | FY + 3 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Minutes of Board or Committee Meetings | Board of Regents Office | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Reports: Generated by or submitted to the Board/Board Office | Board of Regents Office or Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Work Papers: Legislative approved budget, summaries, work papers, work programs, revisions, supportive documentation | Administration & Finance | FY + 6 years | Regular |
Service, Independent Contracts, MOUs, Cooperative Agreements & Related Documentation | System; Office Where Generated; Business Center North; Business Center South | FY of termination + 7 years | Regular |
Asbestos Sampling/Evaluation Records | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 6 years | Secure |
Asbestos Training Records: Employee Training | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY last date of employment + 1 year | Secure |
Audiograms & Threshold Inspections | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Exposure Control Files | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)EH&S | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Fire & Safety Inspections: Includes but not limited to elevators, escalators, boilers, pressure vessels and related equipment | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Regular |
First Aid Reports | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Hazmat: CAPP Chemical Accident Prevention Program Files | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Hazmat: Generators of Hazardous Waste Records | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Hazmat: Hazard Communication Program | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 4 years | Regular |
Hazmat: Hazardous Material Safety File | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 30 years | Regular |
Hazmat: Registration Files of Generators of Hazardous Waste | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 6 years | Regular |
Laboratory Inspection Reports: Periodic inspections of laboratories | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Occupational Health and Safety Inspections | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 5 years | Regular |
OSHA Citation Postings | Where Posted | 3 days | Regular |
OSHA Employee Medical Records | Human Resources-- Separate Confidential File | FY + 30 years | Secure |
OSHA Exposure Records | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 30 years | Secure |
OSHA Illness & Injury Files | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 6 years | Secure |
OSHA Inspection & Violation Files | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 6 years | Regular |
OSHA Notices Postings (not citations) | Where posted | Until superseded | Regular |
OSHA Personnel Protective Equipment | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 4 years | Regular |
OSHA Required Logs & Summaries of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 6 years | Secure |
Radiation Safety Records | Office Where Generated | State and Federal Requirements, whichever is longer | Secure |
Respirator Fit Test Records | Risk Management; Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Safety Program Files | Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 4 years | Regular |
Safety Training Course Documentation: Rosters and Other Records Relating to Training Course | Risk Management or Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Boiler Inspection Report Files | Facilities or Compliance Manager | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Building Security & Protection System Maintenance Records (e.g., key authorization, fire alarm inspections) | Facilities | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Capital Improvement Bid & Contract Documentation | Purchasing | FY termination of contract + 7 years | Regular |
Capital Improvement Projects Files: Including blue prints, plans, drawings, etc. | Planning & Construction or Facilities | Life of Building | Archival Review; Regular |
General Files: Administrative documents, correspondence, reports, time sheets | Facilities | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Pending & Completed Work Orders; Maintenance Services Records | Facilities | FY + 2 years | Regular |
Safety Program Files | Facilities or Risk Management | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Training Documentation | Risk Management | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Faculty Senate Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Archival Review; Secure |
Restricted Document Log | System or General Counsel | FY + 4 years | Secure |
Alcohol & Drug Testing Records | Human Resources-- (maintained separately from personnel records) | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Applications for Employment: Hired | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Applications for Employment: Non-Hired | Human Resources | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Background Checks & All Related Documents: Hired Employee | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Background Checks & All Related Documents: Non-Hired | Human Resources | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Benefits Documentation | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Board of Regents Decisions: Regarding personnel and designated executives | Secretary of the Board of Regents | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Paycheck & Direct Deposit Distribution List & Forms | Controller's Office or Business Center | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Disciplinary Records: Classified | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Disciplinary Records: Faculty | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Disciplinary Records: Faculty-Dismissed Charges | President | 1 year (Code, Ch. 6, Sec. 6.15) | Secure or Release to person charged if requested |
Equal Pay Act Records: (e.g., any records that describe or explain the basis for payment of any wage differential to employees of the opposite sex in the same institution) | Human Resources; Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Evaluation of Work Performance: Faculty and Staff (See also Evaluations, Class/Course) | Human Resources; Office Where Generated | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Faculty Employment Documents: Appointments, tenure, promotions, evaluations | Provost; Academic Affairs; Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) | Human Resources-- (maintained separately from other personnel records) | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Fitness for Duty | Human Resources-- (maintained separately from personnel files) | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Grievances-Classified | Business Center North; Business Center South | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Grievances-Faculty | Human Resources; Faculty Senate | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Immigration & Naturalization Records, I-9 Forms | Human Resources; Office Where Generated; Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) | FY of date of hire plus 3 years, or FY of termination plus 1 year, whichever is later | Secure |
Immigration Reform & Control Act Records | Human Resources | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Leave Records | Human Resources; Office Where Generated | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Letters, Congratulatory | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Regular |
Nevada Ethics Acknowledgment Statement | Human Resources; Board of Regents | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Regular |
Oaths | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Personnel, Payroll & Retirement Information | Human Resources; Payroll; Office Where Generated or Maintained | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Personnel Records, Student: Includes documentation of work-study and non-work study students | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Personnel Requisition for Classified Staff Department: Request placed whenever a position within the department becomes vacant | Human Resources | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Position Description | Human Resources | Active + 3 years | Regular |
Recruitment Records | Human Resources | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Self-Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Documentation | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Unemployment Compensation Records | Human Resources | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Visa Related Documents | Human Resources | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Volunteer Records | Human Resources | FY last date of volunteering + 7 years | Secure |
Worker's Compensation Records: Work related injuries and illnesses | Human Resources & Risk Management | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Application Development Files: Records created and used in the development, redesign, or modification of an automated system of application | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Assets Inventory | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Conversion/Migration Plans: Records that deal with the replacement of equipment or computer operating systems due to hardware/software obsolescence or maintenance | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Data Documentation: Records necessary to access, retrieve, manipulate and interpret data in an automated system | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Plans: Records related to reestablishment of data processing services in case of a disaster | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | Until superseded | Secure |
Employee Access Control & Security Awareness Files | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Equipment Support Files: Information on data processing equipment, software, and other products and their vendors. Record of support services provided for specific data processing equipment, including site visit reports, service reports, service histories, and correspondence | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Hardware Documentation: Records documenting the use, operational, and maintenance of an agency's data processing equipment | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Help Desk Logs and Reports | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Policies for Data Processing: Including access, security, systems development, data retention and disposition, and data ownership. Records of procedures for data entry, the operation of computer equipment, production control, tape library, system backup, and other aspects of a data processing operation | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | Until superseded + 7 FY | Secure |
Risk Analysis | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Security Evaluations & Reviews | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Source Code; Information System Specifications | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Systems Log Files | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | 90 days | Secure |
Usage Files: Records created to monitor computer system and network usage including but not limited to log-in files, system usage files, data entry logs, and records of individual computer program usage | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | 90 days | Secure |
Users Access Records: Records created to control individual access to a system for administrative and security purposes | System Computing Services or Institution IT Office | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Certificates of Insurance, Indemnification Agreements, Hold-Harmless Agreements, Contracts (See also "Minors") | System Risk Manager, System Contract Coordinator or Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years or if claim If claim is presented, turn over to Office of Risk Management and Insurance | Regular |
Potential Claims Records | Risk Management; Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Property Insurance Inspection Reports | Risk Management | FY + 5 years | Regular |
Property Losses File | Risk Management | FY + 3 years | Regular |
IRS Tax Documentation: Includes such documents as 1099s; records of state or federal taxes | Administration & Finance; Payroll | CY + 4 years | Secure |
Legal Files: Includes all litigation, research, correspondence, etc. | General or System Counsel | FY + 7 years; Counsel may direct longer retention period | Secure |
Legal Opinions | General or System Counsel | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Medical Professional Liability Claims/Cases/Judgments/ Settlements | NSHE Risk Management/ UNSOM General Counsel | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Subpoenas | General or System Counsel | FY + 1 year | Regular |
Trademark Registrations/ Patents: Including all related correspondence and documents | Tech Transfer, Office Where Generated or Other Designated Office | FY + 10 years | Archival Review; Regular |
Circulation, Patron ID, Reference Requests | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Interlibrary Borrowed File: For inventory purposes (record of material's physical location, not of the user) | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Interlibrary Loan File: For inventory purposes (record of material's physical location, not of the user) | Office Where Generated | Until administrative need is satisfied | Regular |
Miscellaneous Administrative: Including documents, correspondence, inventory lists, etc. | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Records of Overdue Materials | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Videotape Production Records, Collections | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Archival Review; Regular |
Business Associate Agreements | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Clinical Patient Billing Records | Office Where Generated or Institution Controller | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Clinical Patient Medical Records | Office Where Generated | Minors to age 18 + 7 years; All others - FY + 7 years | Secure |
Controlled Drug Administrative, Audit & Dispensing Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Daily Drug Dispensing Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Secure |
HIPAA-Related Forms, Compliance & Audit Documents | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Prescription Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Releases/Waivers/Hold Harmless/Indemnification Documents for Activities Involving Minors (e.g. camps) | Office Where Generated | FY + 25 years or age of majority plus 7 FY | Secure |
Audiotape | Foundation; Student Government | FY + 5 years; or permanent if no minutes generated | Secure |
Minutes, Notices, Agenda, Support Materials, etc. | Foundation; Student Government | Permanent | Archival Review; Regular |
Background Checks | Police Department | FY + 7 years | Secure |
Citations: | |||
Criminal citations | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Parking citations | Parking Enforcement | FY + 2 years | Secure |
Traffic citations | Police Department | FY + 2 years | Secure |
Crime/Incident Reports Includes all incidents involving officers such as traffic, burglary, assault, etc. and supporting documentation, arrest records, lab reports, victim information | Police Department | FY + 5 years | Secure |
Crime Statistics for Clery Act Reports, etc. | Police Department | FY of public disclosure/publishing + 7 years | Secure |
Department Reports | Police Department | Permanent | On Site |
Dispatch Unit Transmission Log | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Dispatch Unit Transmission Recordings | Police Department | 90 days | Secure |
Equipment: Issued to personnel | Police Department | Life of the equipment | Secure |
Evidence & Seized Property | Police Department | Same as applicable incident/crime report or case | Secure |
Evidence Destruction Records | Police Department | Same as applicable incident/crime report or case | Secure |
General Records: Correspondence, community service programs, miscellaneous records | Police Department | FY + 4 years | Secure |
In-Car Recordings | Police Department | 90 days | Secure |
Intelligence Research, Reports & Information | Police Department | 5 years | Secure |
Internal Affairs | Police Department | 7 years | Secure |
Interstate Identification Index | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Investigation Files not resulting in arrest (all others are part of the applicable incident/crime report or case file | Police Department | Statute of limitations | Secure |
K9 Records | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
POST Certification Records | Police Department | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Radio & Car Logs | Police Department | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Recorded Communications | Police Department | Until superseded | Secure |
Security Surveillance Tapes | Police Department | Minimum retention 7 days (unless needed or subpoenaed as evidence) | Secure |
Sex Offender Registration Records | Police Department | Life of individual | Secure |
Specific Crime Records: | |||
DUI and Domestic Violence | Police Department | FY close of case + 7 years | Secure |
Homicides and sex crimes | Police Department | FY close of case + 65 years | Secure |
Misdemeanors | Police Department | FY close of case + 7 years | Secure |
Other Felonies | Police Department | FY close of case + 25 years | Secure |
Unsolved Cases | Police Department | Permanent | On Site |
Training Records | Police Department | FY last date of employment + 7 years | Secure |
Warrants/Wanted Files | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Weapons Discharge Records | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Weapons Inventory Records | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Weapons Qualification Records | Police Department | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Public Service Announcement, News Releases, Information Flyers, Brochures, Newsletters, Other Publications, etc. | Government Relations or Public Relations | FY + 5 years | Archival Review; Regular |
Reports to Board of Regents | Board of Regents or Chancellor's Office | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
State or Federal Reports | Office Where Generated | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Copies of Deeds, Easements: Including other documents related to real property transactions | System, Institution Facilities or Real Estate Office | Permanent | Archives or On Site |
Leases | System, Institution Facilities or Real Estate Office | FY of expiration date + 7 years | Regular |
Animal Research & Veterinary Records | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Secure |
Export Control Export controls-related records, including: contracts, license and license applications; invitations to bid; shipping documents; financial and accounting records; license exception records; notifications from regulatory agencies; and all notes, memoranda and correspondence related to export transactions | Office Where Generated | Required federal retention period - for EAR, ITAR, OFAC records + 5 years; longer retention period may apply only if requested by government agency | Secure |
Grants & Agreements: Administration of Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Non- Profit Organizations | Office Where Generated or Sponsored Projects Office | FY submission of final expenditure report + 7 years, unless otherwise provided in terms of grant or contract | Secure |
Grants & Agreements: Uniform and Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments | Office Where Generated or Sponsored Projects Office | FY of starting date + 3 years | Secure |
Institution or System Contracts: Subject to specific state, federal or contract requirements | System Office or Office Where Generated | Required state, federal or contract retention period | Destroy in accordance with applicable state, federal or contract requirements or Secure |
Institutional Animal Care & Use Records (IACUC) | Office Where Generated | Required state, federal or contract retention period | Destroy in accordance with applicable state, federal or contract requirements or Secure |
Institutional Biosafety Review Records: Review of projects involving recombinant DNA | Office Where Generated | Permanent | On site or Archives |
Institutional Review Board for Use of Human Subjects in Research (IRB) | Office Where Generated | Required state, federal or contract retention period | Destroy in accordance with applicable state, federal or contract requirements or Secure |
Research Projects-Approved: Files containing proposal, budgets, accounting information, correspondence and reports for grant funded and non-grant funded research | Office Where Generated or Office of Sponsored Projects | FY + 5 years or required state, federal or contract retention period | Destroy in accordance with applicable state, federal or contract requirements or Secure |
Research Projects-Rejected: Files containing proposal and correspondence for grant funded and non-grant funded research | Office Where Generated or Office of Sponsored Projects | FY + 1 year | Destroy in accordance with applicable state, federal or contract requirements or Secure |
Sponsored Research | Office Where Generated or Office of Sponsored Projects | Follow applicable rules of grant | Destroy in accordance with applicable grant requirements or Secure |
Academic Catalogs | Registrar, Admissions and Records or Academic Affairs | Permanent | Secure |
Acceptance Letter | Admissions | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Administration of Educational Assistance Program Records | Office Where Generated | FY of enrollment + 3 years or FY date of test + 3 years | Secure |
Advanced Placement Results | Admission | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Advising Files: Includes notes about student, possible courses the student would take, and correspondence with student | Office Where Generated | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Alien Registration Receipt Card | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Regular |
Annual Interim Federal Grant Fiscal Reports: Reporting to federal government on expenditures for federal grant programs | Office Where Generated | FY + 7 years | Regular |
Application for Admission/ Readmission | Admissions | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Applications for Graduation | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Arrival Departure Record | International Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Athletic Records | Office Where Generated | Athletic Association Rules/NCAA | Secure |
Attendance Records/Rosters | Office Where Generated | End of Term | Secure |
Audit Authorization | Registrar | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Campus Newspaper Records | Office where Generated | Permanent | On Site or Archives |
Catalogs | Registrar | Permanent | Archives |
Certificate of Eligibility for Visa Status | International Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Change in Major | Academic Affairs | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Change of Course (Drop/Add) | Registrar | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Change of Grade Record | Registrar | Permanent | On Site or Archives |
Change of Personal Data Record | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Class List/Class Roster | Registrar, Admissions & Records | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Class Lists-Original | Registrar, Admissions & Records | Permanent | On Site or Archives |
Class Schedule (Student) | Registrar, Admissions & Records | FY end of term + 1 year | Secure |
Commencement Programs | Registrar | Permanent | On Site or Archives |
Correspondence (Student) | Academic Affairs | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Counseling Records | Office Where Generated or Department Where Generated | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Course Syllabi | Office Where Generated or Department Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Coursework: Student tests, examinations, quizzes, papers, projects, etc., leading to a grade and to a posting on the official student record of the registrar | Instructor | End of class + 120 calendar days | Secure |
Credit by Exam | Registrar, Admissions & Records | FY applied to record + 1 year | Secure |
Credit by Exam Report/Scores | Registrar | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Credit/No Credit Approval (Audit, Pass/Fail) | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Curriculum Change Authorizations | Registrar, Admissions & Records | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 5 years | Secure |
Curriculum Development Documentation: Files documenting approval of new programs and degrees | Provost or Academic Affairs Office | Permanent | Archival Review; Regular |
Degree Audit Record | Academic Affairs | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Direct Loan Program | Financial Aid Office | Federal Student Aid (Title IV) Requirements | Secure |
Disciplinary Action Record- Expulsion | Office where generated or Student Conduct Office | Permanent | On Site |
Disciplinary Action Record- General | Office Where Generated or Student Conduct Office | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Dual Enrollment Forms (High School) | Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
eLearning: In web-based platforms, exams, assessments, chats, discussions, blog postings, wiki postings, etc. | Provost or Academic Affairs Office | End of class + 120 calendar days | Secure |
eLearning Course Records: Used for grading | Student Services or Academic Affairs Office | End of class + 120 calendar days | Secure |
Employment Authorization (Work Permit) | International Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Enrollment Verification | Registrar | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Entrance Exam Results/Scores | Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Evaluations, Class/Course: Summary evaluations of course by students | Provost or Academic Affairs Office | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Federal Perkins Loan Program | Financial Aid Office | FY date the loan is cancelled, repaid, or otherwise satisfied + 3 years | Secure |
FERPA: Requests, 3rd party authorizations, appeals and hearing decisions | Registrar, Admissions & Records | Permanent | Secure |
Financial Aid Records (non-Title IV): Millennium, SSOG, state & institutional aid programs scholarships | Financial Aid Office | FY award year + 3 years | Secure |
Foreign Students: Exchange Visitor Program-J-1 Visa; all records | Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Foreign Students: SEVP Reporting Documents (SEVP-Certified Schools only) | Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) | FY in which student is no longer pursuing a full course of study (or FY date of denial if reinstatement is denied) + 3 years | Secure |
Grade Book | Office Where Generated | FY course completion + 5 years | Secure |
Grade Change & Appeal Documents | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Graduation Authorization | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Graduation Lists | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Regular |
Health Professions Student Loan | Financial Aid Office | US Department of Health & Human Services Requirements | Secure |
Higher Education Assistance Programs ("HEA" or "Title IV") Financial Aid Records: Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Pell Grant, ACG, National SMART Grant, William D. Ford Federal Loan or TEACH Grant Program | Financial Aid Office | Federal Student Aid (Title IV) Requirements | Secure |
Hold or Encumbrance Authorizations | Held by Originating Office | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Housing/Residence Hall Records | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Immunization Records | Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Instructor Evaluations-by students | Dean or Department Chair's Office | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Internship/Service Learning | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Legal Services | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Letters of Recommendation Regarding Admissions | Admissions & Records or Graduate or Professional School | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Letters of Recommendation Other Purposes | Admissions & Records or Graduate or Professional School | FY graduation +3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Military Documents | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Name Change Authorization | Registrar | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Nursing Student Loans | Financial Aid Office | US Department of Health & Human Services Requirements | Secure |
Organizations: Clubs, other student groups | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Regular |
Organizations: Student government-- constitution, bylaws and other records | Office Where Generated | FY + 3 years | Archival Review; Regular |
Pass/Fail Record | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Passport Number | International Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Placement Test Results/ Scores | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Probation/Suspension/ Dismissal Records | Academic Affairs | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Readmission Records | Admissions & Records or Graduate or Professional School | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Recruitment Records | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
REG Email Correspondence (All) | Registrar | FY term admitted + 1 year | Secure |
Registration Record | Registrar | FY registered term + 1 year | Secure |
Releases/Waivers/Hold Harmless/Indemnification Documents for Activities: Non-minor students | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 7 years or FY last term of attendance + 7 years | Secure |
Request for Formal Hearing (FERPA) | Office Where Generated | Permanent | On Site |
Requests and Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information (FERPA) | Office Where Generated | Permanent | On Site |
Statement of Educational Costs | International Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Statement of Financial Responsibility | International Admissions | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Student Exams/Papers | Academic Affairs | FY course completion + 1 year | Secure |
Student Records-Accepted & Enrolled: Change of course, audit authorization, email, correspondence, transcript requests, enrollment verification, name change | Registrar; Admissions and Records | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Student Records-Accepted & Enrolled: Grade change appeals, graduation authorization, admission acceptance, advance placement results, dual enrollment forms, entrance exam results/scores, immunization records, recruitment records, waiver of right to access letters of recommendation, external transcripts, change of personal data record, transfer credit or hours accepted, residency documentation, Form I-20 (VISA) for foreign students, overload petitions, application for graduation, and placement documentation, withdrawal Authorizations/Leaves of Absence | Registrar; Admissions and Records | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Student Records-Accepted & Not Enrolled: Student-specific correspondence relating to admission and enrollment at the institution. Correspondence, recruitment, references and recommendations, entrance exams, Advanced Placement documentation | Student Services or Academic Affairs Office | FY + 18 months | Secure |
Student Records-Denied: Letters notifying students of non-acceptance to the institution. Correspondence, recruitment, references and recommendations, entrance exams, and Advanced Placement documentation | Student Services or Academic Affairs Office | FY application term + 1 year | Secure |
Student Recruitment Materials-General: Videos, publications, poster, advertisements, etc. used to recruit students to attend the institution | Office Where Generated | FY + 5 years | Archival Review; Regular |
Student Registration-Related | Registrar, Admissions & Records | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Student Request for Non- Disclosure of Directory Information | Student Services | Permanent | On Site |
Student Waivers for Rights to Access to Letters of Recommendation | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Student Written Consent for Records Disclosure | Student Services | Permanent | On Site |
Transcript Request (Student) | Registrar | FY + 1 year | Secure |
Transcripts (High School and College) | Registrar | Permanent | On site |
Transfer Credit Evaluation | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Veterans Administration Certifications/Benefits | Registrar, Admissions & Records | FY graduation + 5 years or FY last term of attendance + 5 years | Secure |
Visa Related Documents | International Student Office | FY graduation + 5 years or FY last term of attendance + 5 years | Secure |
Vocational Rehabilitation & Education Records | Office Where Generated | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |
Withdrawal Authorization | Registrar | FY graduation + 3 years or FY last term of attendance + 3 years | Secure |