
6,067: Organization of Existing Schools, Colleges or Other Academic Units

Revised: November 2021

The procedures below govern the reorganization of all academic units. This includes the reorganization of any school, college, center, institute, or other organizational unit involving teaching programs awarding credits to students. Internal administrative changes, including but not limited to the addition or elimination of departments, do not require approval by the NSHE Academic Affairs Council or the Board of Regents.  See UAM 6,518 for reorganization of research or outreach centers, institutes or other units. 

The proposer(s) should submit a preliminary proposal via Curriculog for consideration by the New Program Pre-Proposal (NPPP) Committee. If the preliminary proposal is approved, a proposal should be submitted using the organizational change approval process in Curriculog

Regulations regarding reorganization of existing schools, colleges, or other academic units are specified in the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 7. The NSHE Organizational Unit Change Form should uploaded to the Curriculog proposal as an attachment, and can be found on the NSHE website. The following information is required on the form:

  1. Current and proposed unit name
  2. Effective date of change
  3. Brief description
  4. Justification
  5. Relationship to other programs or units within the institution and the system
  6. Estimated resources needed for proposed change
  7. Estimated annual financial impact of proposed change
  8. Description and mission of unit as proposed change
  9. Statement of objectives
  10. Plan for assessment of objectives
  11. Contribution and relationship of proposed change to UNR, the college, other UNR programs, and other related programs in the system
  12. Evaluation of need for the proposed change
  13. Procedures used to arrive at the decision to make the proposed change
  14. Capability to make the proposed change
  15. Resource analysis
  16. Estimated budgetary and financial ramifications that may result
  17. Impact of proposed change on UNR’s existing resources

The proposal should outline the plans for success of the proposed unit.  All proposals reorganization are routed to the appropriate college(s) and the Provost’s Office via Curriculog.

The Provost’s Office will forward proposals to the Faculty Senate for review and recommendation.   Some changes may come under the jurisdiction of the UNR Bylaws (Part 2, Chapter 1, Section 3) regarding changes in university organization.  In accordance with , completed proposals must be submitted to the Faculty Senate at least two full working months before consideration by the NSHE Academic Affairs Council.

Additionally, review and recommendations from the Graduate Council, Academic Leadership Council, and/or UCCC may be sought at the discretion of the Executive Vice President & Provost.

After receiving final recommendations, the president will determine whether or not to approve the final proposal and forward it to the NSHE Academic Affairs Council and the Board of Regents for approval. The addition or elimination of departments does not require Academic Affairs Council or Board of Regents approval.

Upon notification of approval by the Board of Regents, the Provost’s Office will send a confirming memo to the department or unit, with copies to the following:  the appropriate college dean, Admissions & Records, Planning, Budget & Analysis, the Graduate School (if applicable), the vice provost, University Assessment, and the President’s Office.