
6,071: University Courses and Curricula Committee

Revised: February 2010

The University Courses and Curricula Committee (UCCC) is charged with reviewing proposals for changes in courses and curricula requested by academic departments, divisions, schools, and colleges. Committee recommendations are subject to approval by the Executive Vice President & Provost or designee.

  1. Membership - The UCCC shall be composed of one member from each of the academic units of the university (colleges or schools) to be appointed by the dean (typically, the college representative will be the assistant or associate dean to whom the college's courses and curricula committee reports); one member appointed by the Executive Vice President & Provost; one member appointed by the Faculty Senate; and one member appointed by the Graduate School(typically the associate dean). There will be two non voting consultants, one appointed from the Registrar's office and one from the Library.
  2. Appointment Term - New members of the committee shall be appointed by the appropriate units early in the spring semester, with the responsibilities of the committee to begin in the following fall semester. Membership on the committee will be ongoing unless the appointing authority chooses to name a replacement.
  3. Chair - The chair of the committee shall be appointed to a two-year term by the Executive Vice President & Provost, after consultation with the chair of Faculty Senate. The chair of the committee shall designate a member to serve as vice-chair, in the event of the chair's unavailability to perform required duties.
  4. Committee Operation - Committee members should be knowledgeable about both the graduate and undergraduate curricula of their college, but should also be prepared to consider curricular matters in terms of the overall academic objectives of the university. The committee shall make provisions for deans, department chairs, and/or other concerned representatives to have the opportunity to discuss proposals. Curricular proposals will be reviewed particularly for their effect on other university programs, the availability of staff or other resources to implement the change, potential duplication, their relationship to the NSHE common course numbering system, and the appropriateness of the change in relation to the goals and authorized purposes of the department, the college, and the university.
  5. Meetings -Regular meetings are held twice per semester at a time determined by the schedules of the members.  Special meetings shall be called at the discretion of the committee chair or Vice Provost.  Proposals are reviewed and voted on by the committee on a rolling basis in Curriculog. Proposals with votes of “Hold” will be discussed and voted on during the next scheduled meeting, if the objection is not resolved prior to that time.
  6. Final Recommendations - After recommendation from the UCCC, the Executive Vice President & Provost or designee will make decisions on course changes and curriculum changes. After approval by the Executive Vice President & Provost or designee, the changes will be approved for implementation in Curriculog.