
Headshot of Dr. Stevenson

Josh Stevenson

Teaching Associate Professor


I am a lecturing and advising professor and do not have a full-time research lab. However, I do periodically work with undergraduates with basic plant microtechnique projects. I am most interested in patterns of development or features of plant structure that confer functional advantages in physiologically stressful environments.


  • Post Doctoral - Plant Biology - University of California, Davis 2004
  • Ph.D. - Botany - University of Texas at Austin 2002
  • Master of Science - Forest Biology - University of Victoria (Canada) 1998
  • Bachelor of Science - Biology - University of Victoria (Canada) 1993

Selected publications

  • Thorne, E. T., B. M. Young, G. M. Young, J. F. Stevenson, J. M. Labavitch, M. A. Matthews, and T. L. Rost. 2006. The structure of xylem vessels in grapevine and a possible passive mechanism for the systemic spread of bacterial disease. American Journal of Botany 93: 497-504 (Cover Article)
  • Thorne, E. T., J. F. Stevenson, T. L. Rost, J. M. Labavitch, M. A. Matthews. 2006. Pierce's disease symptoms: comparison with symptoms of water deficit and the impact of water stress. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 57: 1-11 (ASEV Best Paper in Viticulture Award)
  • Stevenson, J. F., M. A. Matthews, and T. L. Rost. 2005. The developmental anatomy of Pierce's disease symptoms in grapevines: Green islands and matchsticks. Plant Disease 89: 543-548
  • Krivanek, A., J. F. Stevenson, and M. A. Walker. 2005. Development and comparison of disease symptom indices for quantifying grapevine resistance to Pierce's disease. Phytopathology 95: 36-43
  • Stevenson, J. F., M. A. Matthews, and T. L. Rost. 2004. Grapevine susceptibility to Pierce's disease I: Relevance of hydraulic architecture. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 55: 228-237
  • Stevenson, J. F., M. A. Matthews, L. C. Greve, J. M Labavitch, and T. L. Rost. 2004. Grapevine Susceptibility to Pierce's disease II: The progression of anatomical symptoms. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 55: 238-245
  • Stevenson, J. F., and J. D. Mauseth. 2004. Effects of environment on vessel characters in cactus wood. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 347-357
  • Mauseth, J. D., and J. F. Stevenson. 2004. Theoretical considerations of conductive safety in populations of vessels. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165: 359-368
  • Stevenson, J. F., and J. D. Mauseth. 2001. Cavitation and embolism repair in the dimorphic wood of Rhipsalis lumbricoides (CACTACEAE). Haseltonia 8: 51-57
  • Stevenson, J. F., B. J. Hawkins, and J. H. Woods. 1999. Cold hardiness in wild and selected seed sources of coastal Douglas-fir. Silvae Genetica 48: 29-34