
University Center for Economic Development

The University Center for Economic Development fosters economic development, diversification and growth throughout Nevada by making the extensive resources of the University of Nevada, Reno available to organizations, communities and regions across the state that can benefit from job and income creation and job retention efforts.

US Economic Development Administration logo University Center for Economic Development logo

About us

Established in 1992, the University Center for Economic Development, part of the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno, is Nevada’s only U.S. Economic Development Administration funded University Center program.  The University Center for Economic Development conducts a wide variety of applied and basic research studies, provides extensive technical management and assistance services, offers counseling and referral services, and sponsors various workshops and seminars.  Serving the entire state of Nevada, University Center for Economic Development faculty and staff serve clients in both the metropolitan and non-metropolitan parts of the states, including public sector agencies, private sector firms, non-profit and community-based organizations, and Nevada’s various Native American and Indigenous communities.  Clients often include local and state governments, community, organization and trade associations, and even individual private sector firms across a wide range of industry and occupation sectors.

The University Center for Economic Development is supported by a U.S. Economic Development Administration University Center Program grant and through fixed-fee contracts between the Center and the Center’s clients.

Meet the UCED staff

Our programs

Counseling and Referral Services

Regional community and economic development challenges and problems are often more complex than they first appear. University Center for Economic Development faculty and staff can help with the "scoping" for problems and approaches to creative problem solving.

Technical and Management Assistance

Municipal, county, and state agencies, and local industry or economic development organizations such as the state’s various Regional Economic Development Authorities and existing U.S. Economic Development Administration Economic Development Districts seeking a quick response to focused problems in regional development planning can look to University Center for Economic Development faculty and staff for solutions.

Basic and Applied Research

The University Center for Economic Development conducts substantial research studies that focus on clearly defined community and economic development problems, including market studies, impact analyses, agribusiness studies, labor market studies, economic base studies, and target industry analyses.

Workshops and Seminars

Nevada’s economy continues to experience significant changes as the state looks to advanced technology and a service-based future.  Through the Nevada Leadership Program, the University Center for Economic Development conducts broad-based professional development workshops and seminars that deal with economic and demographic changes, development trends, diversification, strategic development planning, and implications of natural resource, environmental, and economic policies.