
How to declare a major

When starting within the College of Business, all students are initially declared as "Pre-Business" majors. Aside from other non-business courses, these students only have access to lower-division (100- and 200-level) Pre-Business Core courses within The College of Business.

To access any upper-division (300- and 400-level) Business courses (e.g. FIN 301, SCM 352, MGT 301), a student must apply to The College of Business and be formally admitted to one of our Business majors.

Eligibility requirements to declare a Business major:

  • Minimum UNR GPA of 2.0 or better
  • Calculus and Composition II are completed or in progress
  • All Pre-Business Core courses are completed or in progress (no more than 1 course remaining)
  • Most of General Education/Silver Core Curriculum is completed or in progress (no more than 4 courses remaining)

The Bridge Program

When students are nearly completed with their Pre-Business curriculum, but not yet eligible to declare, they are placed into the Bridge Program. The Bridge Program is early access to upper-division Business Core courses, primarily IS 301, MGT 301, MGT 321, MGT 325. These courses are required for every Business major, except ECON B.A. Then, these students will complete their remaining lower-division courses and round out their schedule with Bridge courses. Access to the Bridge program is determined through the Major Declaration Application. 

The semester you are ready to declare, you must attend The College of Business Prepare for the Fair event. 

The deadline to apply for Major Declaration is before Prepare for the Fair.

Spring 2025 deadline = February 17 at 11:59 p.m.

To apply:  

  1. Submit the Major Declaration Lesson & Instructions (40 minutes)
  2. Submit the Major Declaration Application (5 minutes)