Mike Kivistik, CCHO
- Phone: (775) 784-6771
- Email: kivistik@unr.edu
- Building: LME
- Room: 212D
- Mailstop: 0388
Mike Kivistik has been with the University since 2001. He served as a Senior Laboratory Safety Specialist until 2015 and has a contract with the College of Engineering as a lecture professor for 49% FTE. He is instructing in chemical engineering labs and teaches a class on process safety. Previously, Mike was employed as a safety officer at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick Maryland for 12 years.
Relevant past experience
- Research Compliance Manager and laboratory safety specialist in Environmental Health and Safety at University of Nevada, Reno since 2001
- Radiation safety specialist at Science Applications International Corporation in Frederick, Md.
- Process safety engineering office and synthetic peptide and oligonucleotide chemist at Program Resources Inc.
- Petroleum engineering at Texaco in Midland, Texas and Atlantic Research Corporation in Alexandria, Va.
- M.S., Molecular Biology, Hood College, Frederick, MD, 1997
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of 黄色动漫, 1981
- Certified Chemical Hygiene Officer
- American Biological Safety Association member since 1996
Courses taught
- ChE 441 and 442 Unit Operations I and II
- ChE 102 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (Spring)
- ChE 495 Special Projects (Design of Unit Operations Laboratory Experiments)
- ChE 473/673 Process Safety (Fall)
Research interests
- Process safety and industrial accident analysis
- Radioactive and nuclear waste containment and shipment