
Henry Conover

Coordinator of Academic Success
Henry Conover


15+ years experience in higher education providing assistance to both students and faculty. My passion is to come alongside both students and faculty to provide support and help find solutions to the issues they are presented with. I find it truly satisfying to see students achieve the goal of completing their degree.

I served as the Director of Academic Support Services at Sierra Nevada University for 13 years and oversaw advising (including carrying my own student caseload), tutoring services, disability services for our undergraduate and graduate students, career services, proctoring services, and assisted with counseling referrals. I also helped create and implement a Strategies for College Success Program at SNU which included teaching a course for students who were struggling academically. In my transition to UNRLT as the Coordinator of Academic Success, my primary role has been the advising and support of our Lake Tahoe Legacy students toward completing their degrees. I also assist with scheduling courses and supporting faculty with many details related to the Teach Out of our SNU students.


Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Azusa Pacific University, May 1988