
Affinity Groups

The College of Liberal Arts facilitates and supports interdisciplinary affinity working groups that recommend new directions and action plans for creating optimal conditions for the continued growth and success of diverse students, faculty and staff, as well as research, academic programming, outreach and community engagement relevant to each group.

These affinity working groups focus on a variety of important areas, including but not limited to: making recommendations to improve faculty, staff and student recruitment and retention, removing structural barriers and inequities that impede the personal and professional growth of individuals from these groups and facilitating research, teaching and programming in each area. These groups are interdisciplinary and designed to facilitate collaborations between colleagues who can focus on key issues relevant to each affinity group while also exploring interconnected topics, like race, gender, sexuality, immigration, antiracism and social justice.

For more information or to join any of these working groups, please visit the Affinity Groups’ website or contact clahelp@unr.edu.