About Us
The Nevada Positive Behavior Supports and Intervention Technical Assistance Center (i.e., the Nevada PBISTA Center) provides technical assistance for Positive Behavior Support activities throughout the state, seeking opportunities to scale up by providing PBS and applied behavior analysis services/support in a variety of settings to a variety of populations in the Nevada community. The Nevada PBISTA Center currently houses the following distinct projects: Positive Behavior Support -Nevada (PBS-NV) Family Services, School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SWPBIS), The Nevada Multi-tiered System of Supports Project (Nevada MTSS Project), Facility-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (FWPBIS), the School Climate Transformation Project, Healthy Home Life (HHL), and the Nevada Association for Positive Behavior Support (NV APBS) Network. The Nevada PBISTA Center also offers customized PBS and PBIS trainings.
Formation of the Nevada PBISTA Center
Positive Behavior Support -Nevada (PBS-NV) has existed in the state of Nevada since 1999, housed in the Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities (NCED) at the University of Nevada, Reno and funded by the Fund for a Healthy Nevada. In 2014, in collaboration with the Nevada Department of Education, PBS-NV was awarded the School Climate Transformation Grant to scale up School-Wide PBIS across the state. In response to the newly awarded funding, PBS-NV restructured by hiring new staff and transformed into the Nevada PBIS Technical Assistance Center, which now houses distinct projects targeted at offering services to schools, families, the community, and also houses the Nevada Association for Positive Behavior Support Network (NV APBS Network).