
Help send students to academic competition

University of Nevada, Reno Biochemistry and Biology students host poker night fundraiser

Help send students to academic competition

University of Nevada, Reno Biochemistry and Biology students host poker night fundraiser

The University of Nevada, Reno Biochemistry/Biology Club, made up of students from the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Department of Biology, will host a poker night fundraiser to raise money to travel to and compete in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition hosted in Toronto, Canada this October.

The fundraiser will be held on Aug. 23 on the third floor of the Club Cal Neva. The tournament begins at 7 p.m. with a beginner poker lessons at 6 p.m. First, second and third place trophies have been donated by Greenbrae Trophy Center in Sparks and more than $500 worth of door prizes donated by local businesses. First place will include a dinner and comedy show package from Silver Legacy and second place is an overnight stay at Atlantis.

The goal is to raise enough money to send seven undergraduates to the iGEM national jamboree in October where they will present their research on "eliminating plant pathogens using a suite of novel proteins known as endolysins" and compete with other teams throughout the Americas.

The students are halfway to their $8,000 goal and are hoping that free food, wine and beer, combined  with a fun night out with friends and family will draw a supportive crowd.
The buy-in price for the event is $40 for non-University members and $20 for University students who hold a current student ID.

All participants must be of 21 years or older.

Cannot attend but want to support the iGEM team? Please visit https://supportnevada.unr.edu/sslpage.aspx?pid=355 to donate online. Be sure to use the drop down menu to designate your gift to iGEM.

iGEM is an undergraduate Synthetic Biology competition. Student teams develop their own projects in the spring, conduct research over the summer, and attend a scientific jamboree in the fall where they compete against top universities throughout the nation.

For more information or questions please contact Christie Howard at cjhoward@cabnr.unr.edu