
Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy moves to University’s Equestrian Center

University supports local small business and economic growth

Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy moves to University’s Equestrian Center

University supports local small business and economic growth

The University of Nevada, Reno's Equestrian Center has become home to the animal-therapy group Nevada Equine Assisted Therapy (NEAT). The local business provides social, emotional and behavioral growth and learning for people by working with horses.

"This is also a wonderful opportunity for both faculty and students to become more familiar with this unique therapeutic intervention, as well as the potential for partnership in doing research," Ron Pardini, dean of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, said. "We are pleased to have the space utilized and providing space for local business."

NEAT will be working out of the Equestrian Center at the Valley Road Field Lab, which is part of the Nevada Agriculture Experiment Station.

"The Equestrian Center had been under-utilized for some time, so we approached the university about this property," Laurie Roberts, co-founder of NEAT, said. "The university is now compensated for use of the facility and the property is now being used for innovative work with horses - which provides a beneficial service to people in need in our community."

"The Center provides us a great central location and lots of room to expand," Roberts said. "We are very excited to be here."

The facilities will provide room for horse and human interactions. Working with people of all ages, NEAT works to build communication skills, empathy and self-confidence for people dealing with ADHD, depression, anxiety, PTSD and Autism Spectrum Disorder.