The (UNR Med) celebrated the newest class of graduating doctors and their dedication, resilience, compassion and commitment to making a difference through medicine during the held on May 15, 2024, at the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts.
The event began with an introduction by , M.D., UNR Med Vice Dean and Renown Health Vice President for Education. Dr. Baker warmly welcomed the distinguished guests, faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends who had gathered in person and virtually to commemorate this significant milestone in the 69 graduates’ lives.
“This is a celebration not only of our students’ achievements but also a testament of your love, encouragement and support that made this day possible for our graduates,” Dr. Baker said.
Amidst the crowd of proud faculty, staff, family members and friends, a series of speakers recognized the graduates for their ability to overcome hurdles that tested the limits of their endurance. From the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to the rigorous demands of medical education, the speakers highlighted the indomitable spirit of these budding medical professionals, who will act as beacons of hope for a brighter future.
“What happened as you all navigated your first year as medical students was actually something pretty extraordinary,” said University President Brian Sandoval. “You showed us all that in the heroic actions of our medical community, there is a transferable value of resilience, grit and understanding that is going to characterize all of you throughout your professional lives.”
Sandoval continued to characterize the massive change and challenges student undertook between the pandemic and today. He reminded them of their resilience and strength through adversity.
, M.D., UNR Med Dean and Renown Health Chief Academic Officer, also emphasized the importance of connecting with patients, taking time to understand their pain, and remembering to involve their family and loved ones.
“Medicine is a calling and you have answered the call,” Dr. Hauptman said. “You now know that we are here to serve our patients, to listen to them, to comfort them, to advocate for them. There is a human being behind every X-ray and every lab test. What is a normal day for you, can be a remarkable day for a patient who receives good news and conversely a life changing and difficult moment for a patient who learns of a grave prognosis on that very same day.”
Keynote speaker, , M.D., the director of the at the National Institutes of Health, took the stage to address students. He began by sharing the story of his grandmother, who migrated from Georgia to Philadelphia at the turn of the century and instilled in him a tireless work ethic, love for the community, and a lifelong love of learning.
“With curiosity, you will continually chip away at ignorance, and continually ask a ‘why’ question,” Dr. Gibbons said. “That will help you adapt to the fact that medicine is constantly changing and as physicians, you must embrace that change.” He alluded to his experience working with Dr. Hauptman over 35 years ago and shared that many of the procedures they performed are no longer the standard of care. “Because science and medicine continue to evolve and change, you must commit to lifelong learning in order to provide the very best care,” he shared.
Dr. Gibbons finished his remarks with a promise: “If you have a commitment and calling to compassionate care, the courage to step out with uncertainty into adverse circumstances, and the ability to connect with the community and mentors who will help you address those challenges and turn them into opportunities, you’ll have an incredible career ahead of you.”
Later, Ruby Lopez-Flores, the Class of 2024 President, reminded her classmates of the challenges they overcome to reach this day.
“With every new challenge that presented itself, we found a way to look at the bright side,” she said. “Despite these hurdles, we found ways to create moments of happiness. Between exams there would be board game nights, weekend trips, lake days, and even an attempt at a human pyramid. These moments served to bond us every step of the way and help us make our way to clinical rotations.”
Following the remarks, , Ph.D., associate dean for Student Affairs, introduced the graduates and their hood presenters, who were frequently family, faculty or mentors. Reka Danko, M.D., clinical associate professor, hospitalist, and chief medical officer, and Carl Sievert, Ph.D., professor of Physiology and Cell Biology, assisted each of the individuals conferring the hoods on the graduates.
During the event Lt. Col. Ryan Stidum, Nevada National Guard Senior Regular Army Advisor to Nevada Adjutant General, oversaw the commissioning of four graduates, indicating their commitment to serving their country while practicing medicine.
Ana Barragan was promoted to Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy's Medical Corps, Jordan Dobrich was promoted to Captain in the U.S. Army’s Medical Corps, and Leanne Perez was promoted to Captain in the U.S. Air Force’s Medical Corps.
In a time-honored tradition, , M.D., associate professor of Internal Medicine, led the recitation of the Physician’s Oath. Graduates, with hands raised, solemnly pledged their dedication to the ethical practice of medicine and the well-being of their patients.
Notable guests present at the event included:
- Chancellor Patty Charlton
- Board of Regent Joseph Arrascada
- Board of Regent Heather Brown
- Board of Regent Carol Del Carlo
- Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Neda Etezadi-Amoli, M.D., FACOG
- Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, David Aucoin, Ph.D.
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Cherie Singer, Ph.D.
- Assistant Dean of Admissions, Aaron Dieringer, M.D., MPH
- Professor Of Physiology and Cell Biology, Carl Sievert, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Lisa Calvo, M.D.
- President Of the UNR Med Alumni Chapter, Reka Danko, M.D., a graduate of the class of 2008 who completed her residency with UNR Med In 2011
- Assemblywoman Elaine Marzola
- University of Nevada, Reno Provost Jeff Thompson
- Chief Executive Officer of Renown Health, Brian Erling, M.D.
- Washoe County Commissioner, Mike Clark
To conclude the official proceedings, President Sandoval conferred the Doctor of Medicine degrees upon the graduates, symbolizing their successful completion of their medical education. The graduates, their families and friends then gathered outside to share congratulations and celebrate their achievements.
“On behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno, I wish to offer you the most sincere congratulations and a heartfelt thank you for all that you have done over these past four years,” Sandoval said. “May this only be the beginning of an even greater things to come for all of you.”