BSW field responsibilities
BSW/MSW student field responsibilities are divided into three categories: Pre-placement activities, Post-placement & pre-semester start activities, and semester activities.
Student field education program responsibilities
Learn more about each area below.
For pre-placement due dates, refer to the field student support portals in Canvas course for due dates.
Pre-field orientation
Students will attend a mandatory pre-placement field orientation session which will cover all aspects of the field placement process and will provide additional details about the required steps below.
Field application
Students will submit the following documents no later than the assigned due date through the student field support portal in Canvas:
- Field Practicum Application
- Student Resume (using UNRSSW Field Student Resume template)
- Application for Practicum at Place of Employment (*OPTIONAL: only if applicable)
Application Feedback & interview notification
Students will receive feedback from the Field Education Office via a grade in Canvas of “complete” or “incomplete” on all forms submitted.
- A response of “complete” will be followed by notification through Canvas to the student regarding the agencies where the students’ resume was sent for interviews.
- Students who receive an “incomplete” on any document will be directed to correct and resubmit within one week and may not move on in the pre-placement process until a complete package is received.
Agency contacts & interviews
The Field Education Office will review the Field Application and forward the student’s resume to selected agencies for consideration with notification to the student of which agencies were selected. Students shall not make contact first with the agency as agencies will contact students to schedule interviews, unless specifically directed to do so by the Field Education Office at the request of the agency. Students may not follow up with agencies after interviews, with the exception of a brief call/email thanking the interviewer for their time. Agencies are asked to return interview lists by a designated date with the following:
- The number of students the agency is able to accept
- A ranking of students interviewed based on interview performance, fit with the agency’s mission, services and culture
- Important feedback for the student and/or Field Education Office
Placement confirmation
The Field Education Office will review all agency responses against student preferences and reserve the right to make the final placement decision. Agency capacity, rankings, and feedback will be given priority over student preference due to the significant contributions made by field agencies and their staff throughout the placement year. Each student will receive an email notification confirming the selected field placement and instructing the student to contact the agency to begin any “pre-hire” paperwork.
The following items are completed only at the start of the first semester of each placement year. All items are to be completed prior to the start of the semester according to due dates assigned in the field student support portals in Canvas.
Review of required field preparation documents & completion of acknowledgement form
Students are required to review the following to prepare for field placement
- IASSW and IFSW Statement of Ethical Principles
- NASW Code of Ethics
- University of Nevada, Reno Student Conduct
- University of Nevada, Reno Student Learning Agreement
- University of Nevada, Reno Waver, Release and Indemnification Agreement
Field orientation
Students will attend the mandatory field orientation which will cover all aspects of field placements and will provide additional details about the required semester activities listed below.
The following items are completed at the start of each semester of teach field placement year. Refer to individual action items for specific due dates.
Student review of practicum setting
Students will complete the Student Review of Practicum Setting utilizing all available material and information about the agency with which they have been matched. Field Instructors should not be approached to assist with this. Submitted to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: Beginning of Semester I
Field learning plan
Students will complete the Field Learning Plan document and set up an appointment with the field instructor to review and sign the document. Submitted to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: Beginning of Semester I
Field learning plan review
Students will complete the Field Learning Plan Review document and set up an appointment with the field instructor to review and sign the document. Submitted to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: Beginning of Semester II
Field time log
Using the Field Time Log template, students will track their field hours and submit the completed logs to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: Ongoing in Semesters I & II
Individual practice assessment
Students will complete and submit the Individual Practice Assessment to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: Ongoing in Semesters I & II
Mid-semester site visit
Students will complete the Mid-Semester Site Visit form and submit to the faculty liaison prior to the scheduled site visit according to their directions. The field instructor does not participate in the completion of this form. Submitted to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: Mid-semester during Semesters I & II
Field evaluation
Students will submit the Assessment of Student Practicum Field Performance to the field instructor and schedule a time with the field instructor to review the evaluation of the student. Submitted to the faculty liaison according to due dates assigned in the field seminar class.
Due date: End-of-semester during Semesters I & II
Completion of field hours
Students must complete all field placement requirements, including 225 field placement hours per semester in the field placement, participation in weekly supervisory conferences with the field instructor, abiding by all University and field agency policies, and maintaining appropriate professional conduct at all times.
Due date: Ongoing