
Proctoring tests online

Remote test proctoring for on-campus courses must be granted an exception. Please contact David Shintani, Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education, at shintani@unr.edu for more information.

For courses being offered completely online, student identity verification is required. One means of accomplishing this is through the use of a proctored exam. An excerpt from the student identity verification policy is below.

From the policy for student identity verification

Accreditation standard 2.G.7: The institution maintains an effective identity verification process for students enrolled in distance education courses and programs to establish that the student enrolled in such a course or program is the same person whose achievements are evaluated and credentialed. The institution ensures that the identity verification process for distance education students protects student privacy and that students are informed, in writing at the time of enrollment, of current and projected charges associated with the identity verification process.

The full Student Identity Verification Policy, including identity verification alternatives can be found on the Student Identity Verification for Online Classes page on the Provost's website.

What's required for compliance: One proctored/supervised exam or experience per course where students are required to present photo identification upon signing in for the proctored experience or test. This system allows the instructor to know that the student mastering the material is the same student receiving credit for the course.

Online testing platform


Respondus is a fully-automated online proctoring service and lock-down browser software that can be used to restrict and monitor student test-taking behavior.