Travel compliance procedures
University of Nevada, Reno faculty, staff, volunteers, and students travel both domestically and internationally for a wide variety of reasons: research, conferences, learning, field experiences, education, and collaboration to name a few.
Per Chapter 1,404 of the University Administrative Manual, all travelers are required to complete international travel forms prior to traveling on university business. Please become familiar with applicable international travel procedures and submit your requests at least 30 days in advance.
Domestic travel
For domestic travel and information about policies and reimbursement, including domestic per diem rates, see the University's Travel Office page. Requests to travel within U.S. states and territories must be submitted with the appropriate approvals prior to travel.
International travel
International travel requests must be made at least 30 days in advance in order to review travel advisories, assess risk, and ensure employee and student safety. For information about policies and reimbursement, see the University's Travel Office page.
Get your passport on campus!
Employees, their families and the public will soon be able to get passports on campus through ASUN in the Joe Crowley Student Union. The cost of getting your passport on campus will be the same as it would be at the Post Office, but every penny of the execution fees will go back to student-run organizations. In the meantime, find a local passport office via the .