
Responsibilities of a Senator

  • Approved by the Faculty Senate September 24, 2020
  • Approved by the President October 9, 2020

The role of a Senator is to contribute to the overall wellbeing of the faculty and the University community at large. As advocates for faculty welfare and the mission of the University, Senators contribute in making decisions about University policies and provide recommendations to the President. Therefore, the Senator’s role is vital for the Senate to effectively conduct its work as the principal body representing faculty.

During meetings, Senators help to create an environment of respect where differences of opinion can be expressed and work can be accomplished efficiently. Although Senators may express opinions on issues that are reflective of their major unit’s constituents, they should listen and consider different positions from other units and reflect upon the impact to the University as a whole. Senate meetings should not be platforms for personal agendas of a Senator.

Senators are voting members of the Faculty Senate and must maintain Senate membership eligibility throughout the term.

Primary Responsibilities of a Faculty Senator include:

  • Attend and participate in monthly Senate meetings, approximately 4 hours per meeting. Meeting participation includes engagement, providing input on topics, and asking questions.
  • Prepare for Senate meeting by reviewing agenda materials; approximately 1-2 hours, at least two days prior to the meeting.
  • Communicate agenda questions and/or concerns to the Faculty Senate Chair prior to the meeting, to ensure appropriate personnel are available to answer questions and address concerns.
  • Utilize tools such as the Faculty Senate email listserv accounts to:
    • Share the meeting agenda with constituents to solicit feedback on items relevant to the major unit. 
    • Share Senate meeting summary to constituents upon release.
    • Communicate information to their major unit constituents in a timely manner and request constituent input on topics to best represent the major unit’s position/opinion for discussing topics and voting.
  • Meet with the Faculty Senate Chair sharing views on various topics and relaying important information, initiatives, etc., for the represented major unit.

NOTE: The times shown are estimates and reflect the minimum amount of time one might expect to devote during the year.

Additionally, Senators may, but are not required to serve as member or liaison on a Faculty Senate committee, or a University board, council, commission or committee; approximately 2-4 hours per month time commitment (varies by service commitment). The Senate Office will request volunteers for liaison positions, and liaisons are appointed at the recommendation of the Faculty Senate Executive Board.

If a Senator serves as a member or liaison to a University committee, they are required to submit regular committee liaison reports as part of regular Senate meetings. Written reports should follow the and are due prior to agenda release upon request by the Senate office. If a written report cannot be submitted in time for the agenda release, the liaison can make a verbal report during that agenda item in the meeting; a written report should be submitted for inclusion within the meeting summary and minutes. Committee reports are the main means to inform the whole faculty on the work of individual committees and strengthens shared governance through transparent communication.

Faculty Senate Executive Board Members are required to be member on Faculty Senate Committees (approximately 1-2 committees). Executive Board member Responsibilities include: attending committee meetings, updating the Executive Board on committee work as needed, assisting committee chair in compiling committee mid-year and final reports, and other tasks as needed to ensure success of committees.