
Return to play

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following “return to play” protocol has been established to clearly outline the specific roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of University administrators and club sport leaders.

The guidelines in this document are designed in accordance with the University, Center for Disease Control (CDC), National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Governing Bodies (NGB) and national, state and local recommendations. University guidelines supersede all other recommendations.

Participating in sport clubs is essential to the physical and mental health of college students across the nation. It is important for them to return to their communities through physical activity and athletic competition. The commitment to allow as many sport clubs as possible to return to play where it can be done safely and responsibly, is the focus.

Recognizing all sport club athletes will not be able to return to athletic activity at the same time. There will likely be a variation in what sports and/or performance clubs are allowed to be played and held. Changes to the recommendations below could change based on the ever-evolving characteristics of COVID-19. The department expects to disseminate this information as it becomes available.

Potential infection risk by sport*

*modified from United State Olympic and Paralympic Committee - Sports Medicine recommendations and the NFHS

Facilities/facility use overview

Gymnasium/Basketball Courts are closed

John Sala Intramural Fields are closed

Wolf Pack Park Fields are closed

Requirements of all students and employees

Employees and students will be required to wear a face cover while in campus buildings. Face coverings will also be required in outdoor community spaces where social distancing isn’t possible.

Masks will not be provided by the Fitness & Recreational Sports Department

All on-campus students and employees will be required to complete the university ‘Return to Campus COVID-19 Training’ administered by campus EH & S department designed to inform, educate, and encourage healthy living and learning on campus and as a member of the community.

Requirements for all sport clubs

All Sport Clubs must submit a Return to Play plan for their Sport Club prior to team conditioning, on-site practices, and/or competitions. This plan will need to be based on the Return to Play protocol in this document and be approved by Pro Staff. Template for this plan will be provided.

Practice procedures

  • COVID-19 screening form before each practice for all athletes via Microsoft forms.
  • Only players and essential personal on playing surfaces.
  • All shared equipment must be sanitized before and after each use.
  • No shared equipment except for necessary shared equipment. (i.e towels and water bottle).
  • Social distancing should be observed if possible (6-12ft).
  • Mask must be worn at all times no exceptions. Penalties will occur.
  • Must track attendance for each session.
  • When possible, club meetings should be held virtual versus in person.
  • Clubs must submit action plans to return to play prior to beginning club activities.
  • Anyone who test positive for COVID-19 MUST NOT attend any practices for 14 days and present negative COVID-19 test upon return.
  • All players whom feel sick MUST STAY HOME!


  • Removal of practice privileges.
  • Removal of future practice space and event hosting.
  • Loss of funding.
  • Club suspension or removal.
  • Reported to student conduct board.