Judicial Board Bylaws
The official name of this body shall be the “Interfraternity Council Judicial Board” (the “IFC Judicial Board”).
It shall be the purpose of the IFC Judicial Board to honestly and ethically interpret, uphold, and enforce the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct, other governing documents, and any other rules or regulations as established by the Interfraternity Council, except as otherwise established herein.
- These Bylaws as established herein shall pertain only to the Interfraternity Council and its respective member
- The IFC Judicial Board shall have the power to adjudicate allegations of misconduct resulting from the actions or inactions of any Chapter affiliated with the Interfraternity Council at the University of Nevada, Reno.
- These powers of adjudication shall extend to all alleged infractions of the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedure, Codes of Conduct, other governing documents or any other rules or regulations as established by the Interfraternity Council, except as otherwise established herein.
- The IFC Judicial Board shall have the power to levy sanctions, as established in these Bylaws herein, on an Accused Fraternity that has been found to have been in violation of the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct, other governing documents, or any other rules or regulations as established by the Interfraternity Council, except as otherwise established herein.
Section A: Composition
- The IFC Judicial Board Shall be composed solely of initiated members of organizations of the Interfraternity Council at the University of Nevada, Reno.
- The Judicial Board shall consist of eight (8) Justices, as follows:
- The Chief Justice of the IFC Judicial Board, as elected by the Interfraternity Council to serve on the Interfraternity Council Executive Board (Interfraternity Council Bylaws, Article II, Section B);
- Seven (7) Justices, selected in accordance with Article IV, Section C SELECTION.
- At least five (5) Justices (including the Chief Justice) shall sit in all hearings, unless extenuating circumstances create a conflict of interest or other inability to hear and decide any case brought before the Judicial Board.
- A maximum of one (1) member of any Chapter affiliated with the Interfraternity Council at the University of Nevada, Reno may be allowed on the IFC Judicial Board at any time.
Section B: Eligibility
- An individual shall be eligible to serve as a Justice if he:
- Is an undergraduate member of a fraternity, which holds membership in the Interfraternity Council; and
- Has been affiliated with his chapter for at least one (1) semester as an initiated member; and
- Is in good standing with his chapter and the Interfraternity Council; and
- Has a cumulative grade point average, through at least two (2) semesters at the University of Nevada, Reno, above the all campus undergraduate men’s GPA or higher; and
- Has an expected graduation date falling on or after his term as a Justice would expire; and
- Is available to serve as a Justice for a full calendar year.
- An individual shall be ineligible to serve as Justice if he:
- Is elected as an Interfraternity Council Executive Officer; or
- Is not in good standing with his chapter or the Interfraternity Council; or
- Has an expected graduation date falling before his term as an IFC Judicial Board Justice expires; or
- Is not in good standing with his chapter at any point during his time as an IFC Judicial Board Justice; or
- Withdraws his membership from his chapter at any point during his time as an IFC Judicial Board Justice; or
- Withdraws from all classes at the University of Nevada -- Reno at any point during the semester
Section C: Selection
- The Chief Justice shall be selected in accordance with Interfraternity Council Bylaws (Article II, Section B).
- The IFC Judicial Board Selection Committee shall be known henceforth as the “Selection Committee”
- The Selection Committee shall select all Justices, excluding the Chief Justice
- The Selection Committee shall consist of four (4) members: the outgoing Chief Justice, two (2) outgoing Justices as chosen by the outgoing Chief Justice, and the Chief Justice-elect.
- The Selection Committee shall be responsible for selecting the appropriate number of new Justices through an application and interview process, as established herein, which are then to be approved by a simple majority of the IFC Body.
Section D: Application Procedure
- Applications for potential Justices shall be available at Interfraternity Council meetings, two weeks before and one week after the selection of the Chief Justice-elect.
- Copies of the applications shall also be made available to the Interfraternity Council President and the Interfraternity Council Administrator, who shall also be responsible for ensuring that interested applicants receive copies upon request.
- IFC Judicial Board applications must be fully completed and submitted to the Chief Justice by the application deadline, as established by the Selection Committee.
Section E: Interview Procedure
- The Selection Committee shall conduct interviews of only those applicants who have met the criteria as established in Article IV, Section B Eligibility.
- The Selection Committee shall schedule in-person interviews with qualified applicants.
- The interview shall consist of the Selection Committee posing questions to, which shall be answered by, the applicant.
- Unexcused absences from a scheduled interview shall automatically eliminate the applicant from consideration by the Selection Committee.
Section F: Selection Procedure
- At the conclusion of the application and interview process, the Selection Committee shall conduct, privately, a discussion to select the new Justices.
- The Selection Committee shall select the new Justices based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the following: chapter participation and dedication; academic performance; personal poise and demeanor; maturity; availability to serve for a full academic year; and the ability to think logically and critically.
Section G: Terms of Office
- Each Justice serving on the IFC Judicial Board shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.
- Terms of office shall commence on the first day of classes of the spring semester and shall expire the date of admittance of the new Justices into their respective positions.
- Justices shall be eligible for a maximum of two (2) terms.
- After completing one (1) term, a Justice may reapply if still eligible as defined in Article IV, Section B. Eligibility.
- In the event that a Justice does not complete his term, he shall not be eligible to apply to be a Justice in the future.
- Justices shall be selected during the Fall Semester of each academic year.
Section H: Duties
- The chief Justice shall:
- Preside over all meetings and hearings of the IFC Judicial Board;
- Conduct any and all deliberations of the IFC Judicial Board in a manner which is efficient, conducive to vigorous debate, and fair to all parties involved;
- Receive all complaints pertaining to violations of the Constitution, Bylaws, Codes of Conduct, other governing documents, or any other rules and regulations as established by the Interfraternity Council, except as otherwise established herein.
- Be responsible for writing all case correspondence and memoranda, including Notices to Appear, the Decisions of the Judicial Board, and Dismissal Letters of the IFC Judicial Board;
- Maintain and update, on a regular basis, the IFC Judicial Board files, including all records, minutes, chapter files, case trackers, and the Judicial Board roster;
- Call the IFC Judicial Board to order;
- Read statements of testimony during hearings;
- Announce the Decisions of the Judicial Board at President’s Meeting once per month, and ensuring that the decisions are submitted to the appropriate persons, chapters, or organizations;
- Act as the official spokesperson of the IFC Judicial Board
- Adjourn meetings;
- Coordinate, with the assistance of the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Nevada -- Reno, annual IFC Judicial Board training sessions;
- Sign a confidentiality agreement and keep confidential the substantive content of all IFC Judicial Board hearings prior to the disposition of those hearings;
- Vote in the case of a tie;
- Be responsible for the interpretation of the IFC Judicial Board Bylaws; and
- Faithfully carry out other duties and responsibilities as established herein, as well as any others that may be necessary
- Justices shall:
- Attend all meetings and hearings of the IFC Judicial Board, except as otherwise established herein;
- Hear and decide all cases brought before the IFC Judicial Board, except as otherwise established herein;
- Sign a confidentiality agreement and keep confidential the substantive content of all IFC Judicial Board hearings prior to the disposition of those hearings; and
- Faithfully carry out other duties and responsibilities as established herein, as well as any others that may be necessary.
Section I: Removal
- The Chief Justice may be removed in accordance with Article V of the
- In the case that the Chief Justice is removed, a new Chief Justice will be selected in accordance with the Interfraternity Council Constitution (Article V, Section D).
- A Justice may be removed for any of the following reasons:
- Non-performance or neglect of duties, including two (2) unexcused absences from meetings or hearings of the Judicial Board; or Failure to remain in good standing as an undergraduate member of his respective international, national, or local fraternity; or
- Failure to maintain a 2.5 cumulative and/or semester grade point average; or
- Failure to adhere to ethical standards as defined in Article IV. Section Section K: Ethical Standards
- Violations of other duties as established herein
- Removal Procedures for a Justice
- The following persons may initiate removal procedures of a Justice:
- The President of a chapter which holds membership in and is in good standing with, the Interfraternity Council;or
- The Chief Justice of the IFC Judicial Board; or
- An Executive Officer of the Interfraternity Council, with the exception of the President
- The Complainant must present a complaint, in writing, to the Interfraternity Council President.
- The Complainant must include the details of the basis or bases upon which he asserts cause to remove the Justice;
- Failure to assert any such basis or bases shall result in the forfeiture of the Complainant’s right to assert, and have considered by the ruling body, said basis or bases at any later point in the removal process.
- The Interfraternity Council President shall notify the Accused Justice within five (5) school days upon receipt of the Complaint.
- The Accused Justice shall be provided a copy of the Complaint by the Interfraternity Council President
- A hearing shall take place as soon as one can be reasonably arranged at a mutually convenient date, time, and location for all parties
- The IFC Body shall hear and decide the case, consistent with the hearing procedures as established herein;
- The Complainant shall not be eligible to hear and decide the case if he is a part of the voting IFC Body
- A three quarter (¾) decision shall be required of the IFC Body to remove the Justice from his position.
- If a decision finds that the Accused Justice has committed violations which, in the opinion of the IFC Body, make him unfit to serve as a Justice, he shall be immediately removed from the IFC Judicial Board and shall not be eligible to apply for a position on the IFC Judicial Board in the future.
- The Chief Justice, consistent with the Bylaws established herein, shall issue its decision in writing and provide copies of the same to all appropriate parties.
- The following persons may initiate removal procedures of a Justice:
Section J: Vacancies
- Chief Justice
- Any vacancies for any reason shall be handled in accordance with Article V, Section D of the Interfraternity Council Constitution.
- Justice
- Vacancies shall be filled within twenty (20) school days from the beginning of the following semester.
- The replacement of the Justice shall follow the procedures as established in Article IV, Section C.
- The new Justices shall serve out the remaining term of the former Justice and shall be responsible for all duties and responsibilities as established herein.
- If the remaining term to be served by the new Justice is less than one (1) academic semester, the new Justice shall be eligible to serve one (1) full term, which shall begin on the first day of classes in the spring semester of the following academic year.
- Judicial Board
- In the absence of a complete Judicial Board, filled complaints will be sent to the appellate court outlined in Article VII, Section A, subsection 2.
Section K: Ethical Standards
- It is the responsibility of all members of the IFC Judicial Board to observe the following ethical standards:
- Uphold all policies, rules, and regulations and encourage similar behavior in their chapters; and
- Show respect, concern, and acceptance for every individual and chapter; and
- Recuse himself from a hearing in the case of a conflict of interest in situations including, but not limited to:
- He is a member of a chapter that is a party in question,
- He participated in the situation or event in question,
- He has personal ties to those involved in the event that would otherwise impair or hinder impartiality.
- Keep all information confidential in accordance with the confidentiality agreement; and
- When speaking to an individual or chapter, refrain from making accusations or statements of any kind, which cannot be substantiated; and
- Uphold all decisions of the Board regardless of dissenting opinion.
- Violation of any ethical standard is ground for initiating removal as defined in Article IV, Section 1 Removal.
Section A: Filing a Complaint
- Complaints may be submitted by any person or organization, irrespective of his/her/its relationship to the University of Nevada -- Reno.
- A police report shall suffice as a fully and accurately submitted Complaint upon its submission to the IFC Judicial Board.
- A verbal complaint made to any IFC Judicial Board Justice or Interfraternity Council Officer or other representative shall not suffice as a Complaint.
- Complaint forms shall be made available on the University of Nevada - Reno Greek Life website
- Complaint forms must be fully and accurately completed upon submission to the IFC Judicial Board
- A Complaint shall be considered to have been submitted with the IFC Judicial Board only upon the Chief Justice’s receipt of the same.
- Complaints must be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board within fifteen (15) school days from the date of the alleged violation except in the following situations:
- The complaint is the result of a police or university investigation
- The complaint documents a violation that is egregious in nature, as determined by a â…” vote of the present Justices.
- Complaints filed after the above fifteen-day statute of limitations shall be summarily dismissed by the Judicial Board without further review or action unless fitting the situations outlined in Article X, Section 7.
- If the Chief Justice feels that a complaint is overly egregious, he can propose the complaint to the board, and the board can move to pass the case to the Committee on Student Organizations and/or The Office of the Dean of
- This must be accomplished by a â…” vote of the Justices
- If the alleged violation occurs within the last twenty (20) school days of an academic semester, the Complaint must be filed within fifteen (15) school days from the first day of classes of the following academic semester.
Section B: Complaint Procedure
- The Chief Justice shall review the Complaint to determine if a mediation or hearing is warranted.
- The Chief Justice may dismiss the Complaint:
- Dismissal requires a written memorandum signed by the Chief Justice indicating the IFC Judicial Board’s reasons upon which it based its decision, copies of which must be distributed to the appropriate parties.
- Dismissal is appropriate when one (1) or more of the following pertain to the Complaint:
- The Complaint is grounded in hearsay;
- There is a clear lack of evidence;
- There is insufficient information about the chapter participation in the events as detailed by the complaint;
- There is no way to clearly determine the specific chapter(s) involved.
- A dismissal shall be distributed to the appropriate parties within five (5) school days of receiving the complaint.
- The Chief Justice may call for mediation. This decision shall be made within seven (7) school days of receiving the complaint
- If the IFC Chief Justice calls for mediation, an electronic Notice to Appear shall be served upon the Accused Chapter, informing the Accused Chapter of the date, time, and location of the mediation.
- The Notice to Appear shall be served upon the Accused Chapter within five (5) school days of the IFC Chief Justice’s decision to hold mediation.
- The Notice to Appear shall also inform the Accused Chapter of its right to have a maximum of two (2) undergraduate members, in addition to one (1) Chapter Advisor, present at the mediation.
- A copy of the complaint shall be attached to the Notice to Appear.
- Copies of the Notice to Appear shall be delivered to the following: the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Interfraternity Council President, Accused Chapter’s President, and Accused Chapter’s Advisor.
- Any dispute concerning the complaint or Notice to Appear must be brought to the attention of the Chief Justice by the Accused Chapter before the scheduled hearing.
- The Chief Justice may call for a hearing. This decision shall be made within seven (7) school days of receiving the complaint
- If the IFC Judicial Board calls for a hearing, a written Notice to Appear shall be served upon the Accused Chapter, informing Accused Chapter of the date, time, and location of the hearing.
- The Notice to Appear shall be served upon the Accused Chapter within five (5) school days of the IFC Judicial Board’s decision to hold a hearing
- The Notice to Appear shall also inform the Accused Chapter of its right to have a maximum of three (3) undergraduate members, in addition to one (1) Chapter Advisor, present at the hearing.
- A copy of the complaint shall be attached to the Notice to Appear.
- Copies of the Notice to Appear shall be delivered to the following: the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Interfraternity Council President, Accused Chapter’s President, and Accused Chapter’s Advisor
- Any dispute concerning the complaint or Notice to Appear Letter must be brought to the attention of the Chief Justice by the Accused Chapter before the scheduled hearing.
Section C: Mediation Procedures
- The IFC Chief Justice will serve as the mediator.
- All IFC Judicial Board Mediations shall be closed to the public. A closed mediation shall be limited to those persons invited to attend by the Chief Justice
- The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life must attend all meetings.
- The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life shall act in an advisory and administrative role for the entire mediation, including recording all information, and will not be an active participant.
- The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life and other invited guests may answer any appropriate questions presented to them.
- Involved parties and witnesses must be present at the mediation.
- Any individual or Chapter who does not wish to be present at the mediation must submit a written statement, which includes any and all relevant information, if any, he wishes to have presented at the mediation.
- The Chief Justice shall read any such statements into the record at the mediation.
- Mediation participants shall make no inferences, positive or negative, of any individual’s or Chapter’s decision to provide a written statement in lieu of appearing at the mediation.
- The Accused Chapter may have two (2) undergraduate Chapter members and a Chapter Advisor present at the mediation,
- Only the two (2) undergraduate Chapter members shall have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Chapter.
- Although a Chapter Advisor may attend the hearing, he/she shall serve strictly in an advisory role to the undergraduates appearing on behalf of the Chapter.
- The Chapter Advisor shall not have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the chapter as such.
- All written statements and other materials submitted for and at the mediation shall be filed by the Chief Justice and kept in file in the Greek Life office.
- The Chief Justice shall call the IFC Mediation to order and begin by asking all parties to introduce themselves for the record.
- The Chief Justice shall explain the general mediation procedures and answer any questions the parties may have with respect to the same.
- The burden of proof in all IFC Mediation processes is at the discretion of the IFC Judicial Board.
- The Complainant and Accused Chapter and any persons appearing on either party’s behalf shall have the opportunity to question the IFC Chief Justice on matters related to the mediation and the mediation procedures.
- The Chief Justice shall state to the parties that mediation participants wish to hear all relevant facts and interpretations of the facts and does insist that all persons at the mediation be treated with respect and civility and that it shall not permit argumentative, threatening, or hostile exchanges between any of the parties.
- The Chief Justice retains the right to remove from mediation any person who disrupts or interferes with the proceeding.
- IFC Mediation shall begin with the Accused Chapter.
- The Chief Justice shall ask the Accused Chapter to explain the facts and related information he can with respect to the complaint.
- The Complainant shall then have the opportunity to question the Accused Chapter with respect to the facts, his interpretation of the facts, the allegations made in the complaint, and any and all other information the Complainant deems appropriate to assist it in arriving at a fair decision.
- The Chief Justice shall aid mediation participants in deliberation and creating sanctions with regard to accepted violations.
Section D: Mediation Outcomes
- Mediation Outcomes will be based solely on violations that the Accused Chapter agrees they have violated. All other alleged violations that the Complainant and Accused Chapter cannot reach an agreement will be addressed in an IFC Judicial Board Hearing.
- The Chief Justice shall deliver the Outcome to the Accused Chapter within seven (7) school days after both parties are able to come to an agreement.
- Copies of the Outcome shall be delivered to the following: the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Interfraternity Council President, Accused Chapter’s President, and Accused Chapter’s Advisor.
- The substantive content of all IFC mediations shall be strictly confidential prior to the disposition of those proceedings.
- Outcomes of IFC Mediation shall be of public record and shall be made available on a monthly basis at the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, and Multicultural Greek Council President’s Meetings. In addition, a copy of the Decision shall be uploaded the Fraternities and Sororities Life website.
Section E: Hearing Procedures
- To prevent potential conflicts of interest, no Justice may hear or decide a case in which his Chapter, or a member of his Chapter, is either the Complainant or the Accused Chapter.
- It shall be the personal responsibility of each Justice to determine whether a potential conflict of interest may arise in that Justice’s participation in a particular case.
- In a situation where a Justice determines that such a potential conflict of interest does exist, another Justice shall assume the duties and responsibilities of a Justice for only those hearings in which the replaced Justice has, or may have, a conflict of interest.
- In a situation where the Chief Justice determines a potential conflict of interest exists for himself, another Justice, as selected through an election by the IFC Judicial Board, will act as the Presiding Officer for the duration of the hearing and will be advised on matters of procedure by the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board Advisor.
- At least five (5) Justices (including the Chief Justice) must hear the case unless the Accused Chapter agrees to have the hearing with fewer Justices
- In the absence of a complete Judicial Board, filled complaints will be sent to the appellate court outlined in Article VII, Section A, subsection 2.
- All IFC Judicial Board Hearings shall be closed to the public. A closed hearing shall be limited to witnesses and those persons invited to attend by the Chief Justice.
- The IFC Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life must attend all meetings.
- The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life shall act in an advisory role for the entire hearing and will not be an active participant in the hearing.
- The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life shall not have any vote in any of the Judicial Board’s decision.
- The Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life and other invited guests may answer any appropriate questions presented to them.
- Involved parties and witnesses retain the right not to be present at the hearing.
- Any individual or Chapter who does not wish to be present at the hearing must submit a written statement, which includes any and all relevant information, if any, he wishes to have presented at the hearing.
- The Chief Justice shall read any such statements into the record at the hearing.
- The Justices shall make no inferences, positive or negative, of any individual’s or Chapter’s decision to provide a written statement in lieu of appearing at the hearing.
- The Accused Chapter may have two (2) undergraduate Chapter members and a Chapter Advisor present at the hearing,
- Only the three (3) undergraduate Chapter members shall have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Chapter.
- Although a Chapter Advisor may attend the hearing, he/she shall serve strictly in an advisory role to the undergraduates appearing on behalf of the Chapter.
- The Chapter Advisor shall not have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Chapter.
- All written statements and other materials submitted for and at the hearings shall be filed by the Chief Justice and kept in file in the Greek Life office.
- The Chief Justice shall call the IFC Judicial Board to order and begin by asking all parties to introduce themselves for the record.
- The Chief Justice shall explain the general hearing procedures and answer any questions the parties may have with respect to the same.
- The Chief Justice shall explain to the parties that the burden of proof lies on the Complainant with respect to any and all claims alleged in the Complaint.
- The burden of proof in all IFC Judicial Board Hearings is at the discretion of the IFC Judicial Board.
- The Complainant and Accused Chapter and any persons appearing on either party’s behalf shall have the opportunity to question the IFC Judicial Board on matters related to the hearing and the hearing procedures.
- The questions shall be directed to the Chief Justice, who shall answer them if he is able to do so, and if he is able to do so without violating any of the policies and procedures as established herein.
- The Chief Justice shall state to the parties that the IFC Judicial Board wishes to hear all relevant facts and interpretations of the facts and does insist that all persons at the hearing be treated with respect and civility and that it shall not permit argumentative, threatening, or hostile exchanges between any of the parties.
- The Chief Justice retains the right to remove from a hearing any person who disrupts or interferes with the proceeding.
- The IFC Judicial Board shall first hear from the Complainant.
- The Chief Justice shall ask the Complainant to explain the facts and related information he/she can with respect to the Complaint.
- The Chief Justice shall then ask the Complainant to present any witnesses he/she may have who can testify as to the allegations in the Complaint.
- Any such witnesses shall then so testify.
- Individuals providing testimony to the IFC Judicial Board shall be permitted to speak without interruption unless the Chief Justice determines that the statements are immaterial, irrelevant, or unduly repetitious.
- The Judicial Board shall then have the opportunity to question the Complainant and any of his/her witnesses with respect to the facts, his/her interpretation of the facts, the allegations made in the Complaint, and any and all other information the Judicial Board deems appropriate to assist it in arriving at a fair and just decision.
- The IFC Judicial Board shall then hear from the accused fraternity.
- The Chief Justice shall ask the Accused Chapter to explain the facts and related information it can with respect to the Complaint.
- The Chief Justice shall then ask the Accused Chapter to present any witnesses it may have who can testify as to the allegations made in the Complaint.
- Any such witnesses shall then so testify.
- The IFC Judicial Board shall then have the opportunity to question the Accused Chapter and any of its witnesses with respect to the facts, its interpretation of the facts, the allegations made in the Complaint, and any and all other information the Judicial Board deems appropriate to assist it in arriving at a fair and just decision.
- The IFC Judicial Board shall then have the opportunity to ask questions of any person or organization involved.
- The Chief Justice shall adjourn the hearing after all questioning has been completed.
Section F: Deliberation Procedures
- Deliberation Procedures
- The IFC Judicial Board shall retire to a private room in which to conduct its deliberations.
- The Justices shall consider all the information, regardless of which party produced it.
- A 2/3 vote of justices present at the hearing is necessary to find an Accused Fraternity in violation.
- For each of the Complainant’s claims, the Judicial Board shall determine if the burden of proof has been met.
- If the IFC Judicial Board determines that the burden of proof has been met with respect to a claim, the IFC Judicial Board shall so indicate in its Decision.
- If the IFC Judicial Board determines that the burden of proof has not been met with respect to a claim, the IFC Judicial Board shall so indicate in its Decision.
- The IFC Judicial Board shall then determine and impose any reasonable and appropriate sanctions, as established herein, reflecting the same in its Decision.
- All sanctions imposed must obtain a 2/3 vote of Justices present and eligible.
- To be eligible to vote on sanctions, Justices must have been present for the entire hearing process.
- The IFC Judicial Board Decision
- The Chief Justice shall deliver the Decision to the Accused Chapter within seven (7) school days after the Decision has been made.
- Copies of the Decision shall be delivered to the following: the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Interfraternity Council President, Accused Chapter’s President, and Accused Chapter’s Advisor.
- The substantive content of all IFC Judicial Board hearings shall be strictly confidential prior to the disposition of those hearings.
- The votes of each Justice during IFC Judicial Board deliberations shall be confidential.
- Only the vote of the entire IFC Judicial Board shall be disclosed at any time.
- All Decisions of the IFC Judicial Board shall be upheld and supported by all Justices, despite the presence of any dissenting opinions made during the deliberations.
- Decisions of the IFC Judicial Board shall be of public record and shall be made available on a monthly basis at the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Presidents’ meetings. In addition, a copy of the Decision shall be uploaded to the Fraternities and Sororities Life website.
The IFC Judicial Board, if, as, and when imposing sanctions pursuant to its responsibilities and powers as established herein, shall make all efforts to ensure that the sanctions imposed are fair, reasonable, proportional to the offense found to have been committed, and just. The Chief Justice will ensure that the Accused Chapter carries out the requirements of the sanctions in a timely and appropriate manner.
Section A: Admonishment
- When appropriate and reasonable, the IFC Judicial Board may issue a letter of reprimand to the Accused Chapter, along with copies to all individuals and/or organizations it deems appropriate.
Section B: Restitution
- When appropriate and reasonable, the IFC Judicial Board may order the Accused Chapter to make complete restitution for any damages to property determined to have occurred as the result of Accused Chapter’s action or inaction.
Section C: Monetary Fines
- When measurable, appropriate and reasonable, the IFC Judicial Board may impose monetary fines upon the Accused Chapter, but only an amount that is fair, reasonable, and just.
- All monies collected shall be designated for educational programming within the Interfraternity Council and its respective member organizations.
- The Interfraternity Council shall have the responsibility for properly utilizing the collected monies.
Section D: Educational Programming
- When appropriate and reasonable, the IFC Judicial Board may require the Accused Chapter and the Accused Chapter’s members, to plan and/or participate in relevant educational programs, the terms of which shall be defined and enforced by the IFC Judicial Board.
Section E: Referral to the University
- If the IFC Judicial Board determines that suspension or expulsion of the Accused Fraternity may be required, the Accused Fraternity must be referred to the University for further action. The IFC Judicial Board shall make a written recommendation to the University in its decision letter.
Section A: Petition for Reconsideration
- All Decisions of the IFC Judicial Board which impose sanctions, other than expulsion or suspension, shall be appealable to the Greek Appellate Board.
- The following four (4) members of the Greek Appellate Board shall be randomly selected by the Chief Justice and will include the following:
- 2 Presidents of member organizations of the Interfraternity Council.
- 2 members of the Interfraternity Council Executive Board.
- All members of said organizations must serve once before one member can serve twice
- Exceptions to this rule are allowed to ensure timely due process, though only if absolutely necessary. This is at the discretion of the Chief Justice
- The fifth member of the IFC Appellate Board will be the Chief Justice of the IFC Judicial Board.
- If the Accused Chapter chooses to exercise its right, the Accused Chapter shall submit a written Petition for Reconsideration to the Chief Justice.
- This petition must be submitted to the Interfraternity Council President within seven (7) school days after having received the IFC Judicial Board’s decision.
- If the Accused Chapter fails to timely submit its Petition for Reconsideration he shall have no further recourse of appeal and shall forever forfeit the right to appeal the decision of the IFC Judicial Board with respect to the instant action.
- Upon receipt of the Petition for Reconsideration, the Chief Justice shall select the members of the IFC Appellate Board, as established herein.
- The IFC Appellate Board members shall schedule a hearing within seven (7) school days upon receiving the Petition for Reconsideration from the Accused Chapter.
- The IFC Appellate Board shall follow the same hearing procedures as established in Article V, except that a three-fifths (3/5) majority shall be necessary to overturn the decision of the IFC Judicial Board.
- The IFC Appellate Board shall issue, in writing, its Decision within five (5) school days after the decision has been made.
- If the decision of the Judicial Board is overturned, the Council will do one (1) of the following:
- Issue no Sanction for the Accused Chapter;
- Issue more appropriate Sanction(s) for the Accused Chapter as defined in Article VI.
- Copies of the Decision shall be delivered to the following: the Director ofFraternity and Sorority Life, the Interfraternity Council President, Accused Chapter’s President, and Accused Chapter’s Advisor.
- The Decision of the IFC Appellate Board shall be final.
Section A: Interpretation of Constitution and Bylaws
- The Chief Justice shall be responsible for the interpretation of the IFC Judicial Board Bylaws.
- The interpretation of the Chief Justice may be overturned by a 2/3 vote of the Justices present at a hearing.