
Orvis Student Nurses' Association


Faculty Advisor: Jasen Brooks
Phone: (775) 682-7179

ONSA committee members standing with supply bags
OSNA committee member stands alone with a supply bag
two nursing students holding a supplies bag in the nursing school

Help meet and support the needs of nursing students at Orvis

In a 2020 climate survey completed by the students of University of Nevada, Reno, it was brought to our attention that the Nursing students of Orvis had ranked third highest in food insecurity. As an organization, OSNA recognized the need to provide and support our students in whatever way we can. This called us to action to formulate a food and supply pantry that would allow our organization to provide food and supplies that are needed to meet the well-being of our student community. We are currently seeking funding and donations for the OSNA food pantry.

OSNA students have access to our food pantry via an anonymous survey in their web campus OSNA course shell. This helps to protect the identity of every student in assuring their information remains completely anonymous. We are then able to access our nursing lounge lockers where we place the supplies requested by the students to pick up as they need it. 

If you are interested in donations to our efforts, we ask that you please contact the OSNA President or faculty advisor Jasen R Brooks, MSN, RN, WCC, CNL.

*A portion of the funds donated to the OSNA food and supply pantry will be donated to Pack Provisions in support of their effort.  

Developing the future leaders in nursing

Officers and Committee Members

OSNA Leadership

Faculty Advisor: Jasen Brooks
President: Sydney Treppiccione
Vice President: Jasmine Towns
Treasurer: Klarissa Beaton
Secretary: Megan Melton

Community Outreach Committee

Fundraising Committee

  • Faculty Leader: Pam Smith
  • Autumn Lindemann
  • Gymneth Neri
  • Claudia Sanchez
  • JC Torres

Activities Committee

Web Coordinator


  • Level 1: To be announced 
  • Level 2: Erika Leitenbauer
  • Level 3: Megan Melton
  • Level 4: To be announced
  • ASBSN liaison: Paola Corral

Faculty Liaison

  • Faculty Leader: Professor Jasen Brooks
  • NNF: Ada Castle
  • NVNSA: Ada Castle
  • OSNAA: Paetyn Young
  • Pre-Nursing: Jasmyn Riediger

Apparel Chair

  • Faculty Leader: Pam Smith
  • Apparel Director: Mirinda Nicholes
    • Apprentice: Kayla Noel