

Kylie Kulak

Doctoral student She, her, hers



Salerno, J. M., Kulak, K., Smalarz, L., Eerdmans, R. E., Lawrence, M. L., & Dao, T. (Accepted/in press). The role of social desirability and establishing non-racist credentials on mock jurors decisions about Black defendants. Law and Human Behavior.

Newsletter articles

Kulak, K. (2022, May). A brief research review-Administrator influence in lineup procedures. The Gavel, APA.

Conference presentations

Kulak, K. & Smalarz, L. (2022). Direct and indirect effects of procedural suggestion on evaluations of eyewitness identification evidence. Data-Blitz presented at the annual American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Denver, CO.

Eerdmans, R., Kulak, K., Salerno, J. M., & Smalarz, L. (2022).The impact of moral credentialing on mock juror judgements about a Black defendant. Poster presented at the annual American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Denver, CO.

Kulak, K. & Smalarz, L. (2021). Evaluators’ perceptions of social influence in double‐blind lineups. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Poster Session of the American Psychology-Law Society.


  • M.S. in Psychology at Arizona State University
  • B.A. in Psychology at California State University, Fresno


Kylie is supported by the Graduate Dean's Fellowship.