
Program and research timeline


Doctoral timeline

The following example program shows 74 credits total (a minimum of 74 credits are required to graduate), as it is based on courses of three credits each.

Please note that these is an example of a program timeline. View the for current courses. 

Program handbook     Program details

Year 1

Fall semester

  • PSY 706 (Statistics) — 3 credits
  • PSY 724 (Applied Research Methods) — 3 credits
  • SOC 739 (Social Psychology Core I) — 3 credits

Spring semester

  • PSY 707 (Statistics) — 3 credits
  • SOC 740 (Social Psychology Core II) — 3 credits
  • SOC 718 (Research Methods Social Psychology) — 3 credits

Summer semester

  • Qualifying Exam — 1 credit
    Although students take the exam in June, they actually register for the credit either for the second summer term or for the following fall semester.

Year 2

Fall semester

  • Social Psychology Advanced Statistics/Methods Seminar — 3 credits
    Survey Research Methods (CHS 745 or SOC 737), Attitudes (SOC 722), and advanced data analysis courses (SOC 731, SPSY 738) are each offered either the 2nd or 3rd year of the program.
  • 700 level Social Psychology Seminar — 3 credits
  • Supervised Research — 3 credits
    Students should enroll in Supervised Research/Graduate Research with their advisor, using the course number provided, typically using SPSY 702.

Deficit coursework: Students with insufficient background in psychology will take an additional psychology course during the second year, chosen in conjunction with their adviser and the program director. Students with insufficient background in sociology will take a graduate theory course in sociology, generally SOC 710 or SOC 711.

Spring semester

  • Supervised Research — 3 credits
  • CHS 745 or SOC 737 (Survey Research Methods) — 3 credits
    Survey Research Methods (CHS or SOC 737), Attitudes (SOC 722), and advanced data analysis courses (SOC 731, SPSY 738) are each offered either the 2nd or 3rd year of the program.
  • 700 level Social Psychology Seminar — 3 credits

Year 3

Fall semester

  • Supervised Research — 3 credits
  • SOC 722 (Attitudes) — 3 credits
    Survey Research Methods (CHS or SOC 737), Attitudes (SOC 722), and advanced data analysis courses (SOC 731, SPSY 738) are each offered either the 2nd or 3rd year of the program.
  • 700 level Social Psychology Seminar — 3 credits

Spring semester

  • 700 level Social Psychology Seminar — 3 credits
  • 799 Dissertation (Prospectus planning) — 6 credits
  • Comprehensive exam near end of semester

Year 4

Fall semester

  • Comprehensive Exam — 1 credit
  • 799 Dissertation — 9 credits

Spring semester

  • 799 Dissertation — 9 credits

Most students decide to stay a fifth year in the program, especially if they are trying to build up a publication record in order to be competitive for an academic position.


Suggested timeline for supervised research

Semester one (usually fall of year two):

  • Complete research proposal
  • Prepare human subjects application

Semester two (usually spring of year two):

  • Collect or secure data
  • Begin data analysis

Semester three (usually fall of year three):

  • Complete data analysis
  • Write paper