Sociology internships
Undergraduate students with a major or minor in sociology have the opportunity to complete an internship for course credit. The University works with a number of local and national organizations providing both paid and unpaid internships for students.
In order to receive academic credit towards your sociology electives requirement, you will enroll in ACE 400, a course taught regularly by Elizabeth Loun from the Career Studio. ACE 400 can be taken for one-to-three credits; one credit = 40 hours of work at your internship site. The first step is to secure an internship. Browse the lists below and check out current opportunities on the University's job board, . For help arranging an internship, contact Elizabeth Loun. She will then help you develop a contract with the organization that outlines your responsibilities as an intern that will need to be approved by the chair of the department of sociology.
There are four types of internships that you may complete and apply towards your sociology major or minor as a required elective course that are described in detail below.
Approved internship sites available on a regular basis
The organizations listed below have offered internships or volunteer opportunities (paid and unpaid) in the past and have gone through the University approval process. If you are interested and want more information, contact Elizabeth Loun.
Approved internship sites available on a regular basis related links
Approved internships available on an irregular basis
These are internships are not necessarily available on a regular basis, or may be limited to a specific time period often evolving around a yearly event that the organization sponsors. Therefore you may not be able to take them for a full three credits in a given semester. After looking over the organization and the event, if you are interested and want more information, contact Elizabeth Loun.
Approved internships available on an irregular basis related links
Pack Internships
The Pack Internship Grant Program takes place during the spring semester and students apply for the program in the preceding fall semester. Students should check the Career Studio's Pack Internship Grant Program website in the fall for information on how to apply for internships in spring. The application period typically runs from October to the beginning of November each year and is competitive. All positions are posted on the Career Studio website and applications can be found by searching the University's job board, , for Pack Internship Grant Program. All Pack Internships are funded at $12/hour for 120 hours (approx. 10 hours/week). If you are interested and want more information, contact Elizabeth Loun. Here is a list of some of the organizations that have hired University of Nevada, Reno students through the Pack Internship Program (note that this list may change from year to year):
Pack Internships related links
If you are interested in interning at an organization, such as a place you already work at, but that is not on any of the lists above, it may be possible but you will need to work with Elizabeth Loun to pursue an approval process. You should allocate three-to-four weeks before the start of the semester in which you plan to intern to complete the approval process.