
Community-based award: Information for students

Community-based undergraduate research opportunity

"When the community becomes your classroom, everything from that moment on becomes one of your teachers"

— Hannah Jackson, 2019 ASUN President, Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement 2019 Recognition Breakfast

Jump to important dates and application.

The community-based award is currently being redesigned. Please check back for future developments.

A researcher standing in the Truckee river with waders and instrumentation for water research

The University of Nevada, Reno Undergraduate Research office is offering a program aimed at providing undergraduate students an opportunity to do research that directly addresses community-based problems. Students selected for this program will participate in a research experience with a local agency and a faculty mentor. You will work one-on-one with your selected mentor and the agency on an active research project in your field of interest. Agencies and their research projects are listed in the informational downloads on this page.

Funding periods

There are two award periods for the Community-Based Research Awards:

Fall awards (apply in spring):

  • These projects will be conducted roughly between August 15-Dec 20 (finalized dates will be determined between the students and agency)
  • Students will be paid for a 15-week period during that fall semester
  • The application period for these projects will be held in April of the previous Spring semester

Spring awards (apply in fall):

  • These projects will be conducted roughly between January 15-May 15 (finalized dates will be determined between the students and agency)
  • Students will be paid for a 15-week period during that Spring semester
  • The application period for these projects will be held in November of the previous Fall semester

Participating agencies

Upcoming projects:

The community-based award is currently being redesigned. Please check back for future developments.

Selection process

Applications will be reviewed by Undergraduate Research and by community agencies. Some opportunities may be able to fund two students on the same project. Interested students should contact undergradresearch@unr.edu with any questions.


An award of $2,250, provided by the University, will go to the student in the form of salary as a student worker. Students will work approximately 10 hours per week over a 15-week semester. Funds required for on-site materials or transportation to field sites would be provided by the agency.

A $500 mentor award payment will go to the faculty mentor if they choose to keep the payment. Otherwise the payment may go to the awardee.

Class presentation requirement

Awardees are required to present a brief synopsis of their research to a class they attend and share information about Undergraduate Research programming.

Research symposium requirements

Students present at two Undergraduate Research symposiums per academic year.

Community-Based Research Symposium: Students will present their research findings in an oral format at this event, which is attended by students, community partner organization representatives, university leadership, and members of the public. This symposium is held at the end of the semester in both the fall and spring.

Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium: Students will present their research findings in a poster format for this symposium. This annual event is attended by students, community partner organization representatives, university leadership, and members of the public.

Post-award survey requirement

Awardees and their mentors are required to provide feedback on the program by completing a questionnaire provided by Undergraduate Research at the completion of their award.



Spring awards

  • Award disbursement period: n/a
  • Application due by: n/a
  • Present results: n/a
  • Funds spent by: n/a


For questions regarding the proposal format and contents please email undergradresearch@unr.edu.