
The Harry Reid Engineering Laboratory (HREL) at the University of Nevada, Reno is a 50,000-square-foot facility that was officially opened during fall 1991. The WRSC's laboratory occupies parts of the first and second floors and is fully accredited by the (AASHTO) for numerous aggregate, binder, and mix tests.

The laboratory employs a full-time research engineer with a strong background in both highway materials testing and electronics. He is responsible for maintaining the AASHTO accreditation requirements and for training other laboratory personnel. 

Explore our facilities

The equipment currently available in the laboratory can be divided into four general areas:

Aggregate/soil preparation and testing equipment

Our extensive inventory of aggregate prep and testing equipment also includes extensive outside storage. 

Asphalt binders and mixtures testing equipment

Our AASHTO-accredited lab is able to perform a wide range of tests on asphalt binders and mixtures.

Portland cement concrete

We have experience developing specifications for engineering cementitious composites and Portland cement concrete. 

Full-scale pavements testing

We are home to one of the largest indoor full-scale pavement testing facilities in the United States.

Lab safety

Safety is important to us. Read our lab safety guidelines.