Course Coordinator's guide to the Collegiate Academy
Course coordinators are a major factor in the success of the Collegiate Academy program. The course coordinator oversees the fidelity with which their courses are taught in the Collegiate Academy program and provides support and content mentoring to partnering teachers. The partnership between the course coordinator who possesses content expertise and the high school teacher who brings to the table a great degree of pedagogical expertise, creates a unique dynamic that is a major factor in student success in the program. Course Coordinators meet regularly with high school teachers in PLC meetings to partner with teachers in ensuring their courses are being delivered with fidelity, rigor, and the same expectations that are upheld on campus at University of Nevada, Reno.
Course coordinators hold weekly professional learning community (PLC) meetings with the high school teachers teaching sections of their classes. These meetings serve to address any questions that the high school teachers have about the course, mentor teachers in specific aspects of course content, and facilitate open discussion with teachers across the state about the delivery of the courses taught. Weekly PLCs are an integral part of Collegiate Academy and must be attended by participating high school teachers each week.
Parents of high school students typically have access to their child’s educational records until the age of 18. Students in the Collegiate Academy, are considered University students, and are therefore protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This law protects the privacy of student educational records and establishes rights for students relative to the disclosure of these records, regardless of their age. Course coordinators who are contacted by parents about students should refer the parent to the high school teacher but should also be aware of the student rights and University policies.
University of Nevada, Reno courses that are taken through the Collegiate Academy . The University operates on an A-F point scale, with the following points earned:
- A = 4 grade points
- A- = 3.7 grade points
- B+ = 3.3 grade points
- B = 3 grade points
- B- = 2.7 grade points
- C+ = 2.3 grade points
- C = 2 grade points
- C- = 1.7 grade points
- D+ = 1.3 grade points
- D = 1 grade point
- D- = 0.7 grade points
- F = 0 grade points
The grade earned by the end of the University's calendar is the grade that will reflect on Univesity of Nevada, Reno transcripts. Once University grades are submitted, teachers may continue projects or add assignments as the course progresses at the high school. That the grade earned on the high school transcript does not need to match the college grade.
Students may not be added to a class section after the first week of instruction. All drop dates are in accordance with the published University's academic calendar.
After the course selection process at the high school, and school counselors have built class rosters, the school district pulls rosters for Collegiate Academy courses and send them to the University's Office of Admissions and Records. Once the Office Admissions and Records receives class rosters, University of Nevada, Reno course rosters will be built and students will be enrolled. Note that a student’s application to the Collegiate Academy program is separate from their enrollment in a course. A student must have applied to the program before they can be enrolled into a course.
Refer to the University Administrative Manual Academic Standards and subsections A -D.
Students considering taking a Collegiate Academy class should consult with their school counselor about school and school district prerequisites, as well as consult the University of Nevada, Reno regarding University prerequisites. Students are encouraged to discuss the sequencing of classes and how their Collegiate Academy courses may affect which courses they take later in their college with their school counselor.
Collegiate Academy teachers across Nevada are hired as LOAs, or Letter of Appointment employees, by the University of Nevada Reno. Teachers must complete all new-hire steps as new employees including completion of an application/onboarding form, onboarding in WorkDay, and establishing their direct deposit (also through Workday). High school teachers, once onboarded, are then partnered with you, the course coordinator in their subject area and discipline. Course coordinators and Collegiate Academy staff have access to resumes of the teachers prior to hire to ensure that the high school teachers are qualified to teach the course and hired using the same parameters as those teaching the course on campus. Course coordinators may decline a teacher’s application to teach their course if they feel there may be a deficiency in experience. In this case, it is incumbant on the course coordinator to contact the director of dual credit initiatives who will let the school know of the decision.
Mixed courses — where a high school course and a Collegiate Academy course are taught in the same classroom — are not permitted. Collegiate Academy courses must be taught during their own period and classroom, with a teacher who is dedicated to teach only the Collegiate Academy course during the class period.
Course Coordinators are required to conduct site visits at schools where their courses are being taught. The purpose of the site visit is not to evaluate the teacher but rather to ensure that their course is progressing and that all of the student learning objectives are being met. Site visits are an opportunity for teachers and course coordinators to connect about how the course is going as well as discuss any success and possibly additional resources or support that may be needed. The process begins when the Course Coordinator and teacher agree on a date for the site visit. Prior to the visit, the teacher and course coordinator discuss what content and activities are happening during the observation. Again, the site visit's purpose is not to evaluate the teacher but to assess the progress, rigor, and discourse within the course as compared to the one taught on campus.
How often do site visits occur?
All new teachers to the program are observed in their first year and subsequent visits happen on a cyclical basis about every three years or sooner depending on the course.
Course Coordinators who require travel to a school for a site visit or any other Collegiate Academy related business must follow the Travel guidelines found in the University Administrative Manual (UAM). Requesting approval to travel, obtaining authorization to spend university funds on travel, and seeking reimbursement after travel must be followed according to the UAM. It is the responsibility of the employee who is traveling to comply with all UAM travel requirements. Course Coordinators or related administrative staff may contact the office of dual credit initiatives for information on the correct codes for payment.