Student's guide to the Collegiate Academy
The Collegiate Academy is a concurrent enrollment program where high school students across Nevada enroll in college courses taught in their own high schools. These courses are taught during the regular school day by high school teachers working with university faculty. Students taking Collegiate Academy courses earn both university credits as well as high school credits. Our exceptional University faculty partner with the Collegiate Academy high school teachers to offer the same courses as taught on the University of Nevada, Reno campus.
- Reduced tuition and books are paid for by the school district
- College courses available at your high school taught by your teachers
- No need for additional transportation
- Ability to access University of Nevada, Reno resources remotely
- Exposure to college courses that allow you to explore different interests
- Become familiar with college level academic expectations
- Grow confidence and thrive in a college course
- Gain understanding of university requirements
Future Planning
- Enter college one step ahead with existing credits and prerequisites completed
- Take courses at a lower rate now and save money for later
- Gain a head start in your academic major
- Have time to work, volunteer, intern, study abroad due to accumulation of credits
- Library and knowledge center resources
- Mentoring of teachers by University professors
- Partnership with Disability Resource Center (DRC) for students needing to transition IEP or 504 plans
The Collegiate Academy has a unique application that students complete in the spring prior to the school year they will be taking classes.
1. Create your application account
Applications for admission are submitted via the . After entering the required registration information, you will receive an automatic email with a temporary registration PIN. When you receive your PIN, you can complete the registration process that allows you to access your online application for admission
2. Complete and submit your application
In the application portal you will select “Collegiate Academy” in the application type menu. Enter your information and click “finalize application”
3. Check your email for your NSHE ID
Once you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Check your spam folder if not received and mark as a safe sender to ensure future receipt of emails. An email containing your NSHE ID and MyNEVADA student portal activation information will be sent 24 to 48 hours after submitting the application.
4. Activate MyNevada account
Once you receive the communication with your NSHE ID and Application number, you will use that to activate your . MyNEVADA is your student portal where you can view your course enrollments and access your student records, see your application status, access personal records and more.
5. Activate Net ID and set up MFA
Visit the Identity Portal. To activate your NetID, please go to the Identity Portal, select Activate my NetID, and follow the instructions to create a password. During the activation process, you will be asked to create a password. You will use this password anytime you use your NetID username. Once the activation process is completed, you will be given your NetID username. Once you receive your NetID username, you will be able to use it immediately on most University systems after completing a two-step multi-factor authentication (via a code sent via text message or email).
The Collegiate Academy for the 2025/2026 school will use your school district WebCampus account. This means you will access your University of Nevada, reno course material by signing into your school district’s WebCampus environment. This is where you will see your grades, courses and course content.
Grading in the Collegiate Academy follows University of Nevada, Reno grading policies and grading scale. These grades are posted in WebCampus and appear on your official transcript as reported by your teacher. Some courses are prerequisites for others (i.e SPAN 111 & SPAN 112) if you are enrolled in a sequential course, you must pass the first course with a C or better in order to continue to the next. You may notice that your high school grade and University grade for the same course differ. This is possible because your high school course may have a longer duration, and your teachers may have additional assignments after University grades have been submitted. There may be additional grades put in by your high school teacher once the University portion is complete and University grade has been recorded.
All course changes are documented in writing using our Course Change Form. This form is distributed to teachers and counselors at the beginning of the academic year and is used to keep a paper trail of all changes made. The Collegiate Academy adhears to the University of Nevada, Reno academic calendar regarding adds and drops. Please refer to the dates and deadlines in the academic calendar.
Credits earned through collegiate Academy courses are fully transferrable college credits that may be transferred to many other colleges and universities nationwide where University of Nevada credits are able to be transferred. Official transcripts can be requested through the and unofficial transcripts can be accessed in a student’s MyNevada account. Please inquire with any institution where you may want to transfer University of Nevada, Reno credits for details and information.
Students may work with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to discuss any existing learning accommodation from an IEP or Sec. 504 plan. The applicability of learning accommodations in higher education may differ from PK-12. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the DRC at (775) 784-6000 or visit the DRC.
As a University of Nevada, Reno student, no matter your age, your educational privacy is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Under this law, students have the right to expect that certain information in your education records will be kept confidential and only disclosed with your permission. FERPA compliance outlines that all students, regardless of age or tax dependency status, are independent. As a student you may give written permission to a parent or guardian to access your educational information via written consent.
- Fall 2024/ Spring 2025 fees are $75 per course
- Fall 2025/ Spring 2026 fees are $100 per course
- Book fees are paid by the school districts or schools