
11.0 Record Keeping Procedures

It is a legal requirement inherent in UNR’s radioactive material license that certain records be maintained and made available to authorities. In accordance with this requirement and as part of good radiation safety practice, the EH&S program requires that the following information be recorded:

11.1 The Authorized User Shall

  1. Keep a current inventory of all radiation sources.
  2. Keep a record of contamination and radiation surveys made in accordance with Chapter 10 (Radiation & Contamination Surveys).

11.2 Records Maintained by EH&S

  • Current inventories of all radiation emitting materials and devices
  • Radiation survey results and monitoring data
  • All incidents (spills, releases, contamination problems) involving radiation sources, including investigation and resolution reports
  • Leak test data on all sealed radiation sources
  • Personnel monitoring results, and investigation and resolution reports in all cases of measurements exceeding administrative ALARA limits
  • Instrument calibration results
  • Waste disposal records
  • License information
  • Emergency equipment inventories and readiness inspections
  • Radiation Safety Committee and Subcommittee meeting agendas and minutes
  • Authorization applications, authorizations, and list of current Authorized Users
  • Deficiency citations and related documentation

12.0 Sealed Source Use Procedures