
University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Deposit Procedures

Deposit procedures

University of Nevada, Reno Foundation | (775) 784-1587

Important notes

Deposit transmittal forms can be found on the FAQs and Forms page. Please note these forms cannot and should not be saved.

Multiple items can be included on one transmittal form. Instructions regarding these forms are found below.

  • Deposits need to be handed directly to someone in the Foundation office. ALL credit card information should be faxed to the Foundation’s secure fax number at (775) 682-5944, though it is preferable that you transfer your donor to our office at (775) 784-1587. A Foundation employee will verify the deposit, sign, copy and return the transmittal. This acts as the depositor’s receipt and proof that the Foundation received the funds. Faxed transmittals will be signed and faxed back. Once you have received confirmation from the Foundation, be sure to shred credit card information.
  • Any deposits delivered after 4:00 p.m. will not be guaranteed to be deposited that day. Late deposits will be locked in our safe.
    • ANY funds (cash, checks or credit cards) should never be left in an unsecure location (e.g., on top of a desk, in a car, in an office mailbox, etc.).
    • Deposits are due to the Foundation within 24 hours of receiving them in your department.
    • When traveling to our office, please secure deposits in an envelope or other package to avoid losing items.
  • Depositor with cash must be present during the entire cash count and must wait for a receipt. If you cannot wait for a receipt, the deposit will not be accepted. Cash deposits of $1,000.00 or more need to be brought to our office by two people from your department.
  • If you have any questions, please call our office at (775) 784-1587.

NOTE: Please see the “Recurring Gifts” and “Auction Item” sections for special instructions for these items.

Which transmittal to use

  • Use a Gift transmittal form when any or all of a donation is tax-deductible.
    • Cash and checks may be combined on one transmittal. Credit cards should be placed on a separate transmittal.
  • Use a Fee transmittal form when there is no donation component. This happens when the donor is receiving something in return (e.g., tickets, souvenirs, meal).
  • Cash and checks may be combined on one transmittal. Credit cards should be placed on a separate transmittal.

How to fill out a gift transmittal (cash/checks)

  1. Enter your name (or a specific contact person) and phone number in case we have questions regarding your deposit.
  2. Enter the name of the donor under “Name on Check” (even if the donor is paying with cash).
    • Note about cash donations: Please include a constituent I.D. # and/or a mailing address so we can send the donor a tax receipt. If the donor is anonymous, put "Anonymous" in the name field.
  3. Enter either the 6-digit fund number or the Worktag for each gift.
  4. Fill out “Check #” and “Solicitor.”
  5. If a check is from a business or organization, a contract name is required under “Donor/Contact.”  Please note: This name is used to address the donor’s tax receipt.
  6. Enter the full amount of the check under “Amount.”
  7. Reference special instructions, appeal codes and notes regarding gifts in the “Special Instructions” box.
  8. Provide ANY breakouts of a gift, if part of the donation is fee, in the “Special Instructions” box.
    • SPECIAL NOTE: If the event is set up on Raiser’s Edge (RE), no breakout is needed. If you will not be using RE for your event, you can provide information one time. For example, if hosting a golf tournament, provide us the flyer or other documentation regarding costs.

NOTE: The transmittals are set up to total your deposit for you. It is advisable to run your own total as well in order to double check the system’s total. 

How to fill out a fee transmittal (cash/checks)

  1. Enter your name (or a specific contact person) and phone number in case we have questions regarding your deposit.
  2. Enter the fund’s name.
  3. Enter either the 6-digit fund number or the Worktag.
  4. List the donor’s name. Because the “Name” field is long, you are able to use one transmittal form and group fee description. For example, if at one event you collect money for tickets AND T-shirt sales, please note this information after the Name.
  5. Select check or cash, enter the check number and the full amount from that donor. If no address is provided or available, the transaction will be posted to an anonymous record in Raiser’s Edge.
  6. Enter the description of what the donor(s) is paying for in the “Description of Fee” box. If the donations are being deposited into a general fund, please reference the event name as well (e.g., Graduation Dinner, Gala or Tailgate); be as specific as possible.

NOTE: The transmittal is designed to total the deposit for you. It is advisable to run your own total as well in order to double check the system’s total. 

Recurring gifts-credit cards & EFTS

  • Recurring gifts using credit cards and electronic funds transfers (EFTs) are not considered deposits. However, a transmittal form can be used for credit card information when submitting to the Foundation office via secure fax.
  • Recurring gifts are credit cards transactions and EFT withdrawals from checking/savings accounts.
  • EFTs are not automatically processed. They are processed manually in the Foundation office and will be completed on or around the 3rd of each month.

Recurring gifts – Please provide the following information to the Foundation by phone at (775) 784-1587 or secure fax at (775) 682-5944.

The following items are needed for us to process a recurring gift:

  1. Name on credit card.
  2. Address and phone number of donor/credit card holder.
  3. Credit card number.
  4. Credit card expiration date.
  5. 3-digit CVC number on back of credit card (4 digits on front of AMEX).
  6. Amount of transaction to be set up as a recurring gift.
  7. Frequency of gift if donor requests something other than monthly.
  8. Foundation fund number or any special instructions regarding receipts or gift reference.
  9. TOTAL amount of gift unless donation is indefinite.
    • If gift is to be processed indefinitely, the recurring gift will terminate on the card expiration.

The following items are needed for us to process an EFT:

  1. Completed EFT form: It can be found on the Giving- FAQs & Forms page.
  2. A voided check from donor. (NOTE: A deposit slip will NOT work.)
  3. TOTAL amount of gift unless donation is indefinite.
    1. If gift is to be processed indefinitely, the Foundation needs notification from the donor to terminate the EFT.
  4. Foundation fund number or any special instructions regarding receipts or gift.

Auction items

Auction Items can have a gift component, therefore all auction items can be put on one transmittal depending on payment type: The following information is needed to process auction items:

The fair market value of the auction item, winning bidder name and address, and winning bid amount is needed. If the item’s fair market value is LESS THAN the winning bid, the donor will receive a tax receipt. If the item’s fair market value is MORE THAN what the bidder paid there will be no receipt. If no fair market value is provided to the Foundation, the item purchased will be considered worth what the donor paid and will not be receipted.

Much of this information will be on the bid sheet so a copy will work for our needs. Please add any of the aforementioned information if it is not on the bid sheet. If payment is made with a credit card, all the usual information is needed for the card payment to be processed. The bid sheet can be faxed along with the credit card form.

How to submit a gift-in-kind

Gift-in-kind forms can be found on the Giving webpage FAQs & Forms page. Please note: These forms cannot and should not be saved.

Gifts-in-kind are considered tax-deductible donations; all gifts-in-kind forms should be received by the Foundation within 24 hours of receipt by department. No transmittal form is needed.

  • If gifts-in-kind are collected for an event (such as an auction), please try to submit all forms to the Foundation as they are received or before the event, if possible.
  • Fill out a gift-in-kind form completely and attach any backup documents from donor or your department.
    1. If a value of the item being donated is known, please enter this amount on the form. If no amount is given, the gift-in-kind will be valued at $1.00. An appraisal is needed for any gift-in-kind valued at $5,000.00 or more. The donor’s receipt will not show a dollar amount; it is up to the donor and his/her tax advisor to determine the tax-deductible amount of the gift-in-kind.

Requesting refunds/adjustments

Notes about refunds:

  • All credit card refunds will be credited to the card used for the donation.
  • If a donation was charged to a credit card, a refund must be issued to that card within 60 days of the original charge. After 60 days, a check will be issued from the Foundation office. Please inform donors that the turnaround time for this process is 7-10 days.
  • All donations made with checks or cash require a check to be issued from the Foundation office.
  • All refunds and adjustments will be processed as soon as possible.

How to request a refund of adjustment

Provide the Foundation with the following information in writing via email to fndacct@unr.edu:

  1. Reason for request (refund, Fund number correction or Donor correction).
  2. Constituent I.D. number.
  3. Name of donor.
  4. Date, amount and fund designation of the gift.
  5. Amount to be refunded. Adjustment requests often include partial refund.

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