
Foundation Annual Banquet

Thank you for your interest in the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Annual Banquet. The Foundation Annual Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the University’s accomplishments and listen to an incredible speaker. Due to extenuating circumstances, the 2023 Foundation Annual Banquet has been canceled. We will be back in 2024 ready to share the University’s successes and hear from a nationally recognized personality.

We look forward to seeing you all in 2024!

About the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Annual Banquet

Established in 1981 as a fundraising event for the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation, the Foundation Annual Banquet is the premier social event in the community. Keynote speakers for the banquet are of the highest caliber and are widely respected in their fields and around the world.

Past speakers

2019 Sue Desmond-Hellmann
2018 Vivek Murthy
2017 Alan Alda
2016 Jon Meacham
2015 Michele Norris
2014 John Kao
2013 Wolf Blitzer
2012 Charles Duhigg
2011 Steven D. Levitt
2010 Buzz Aldrin

2009 Atul Gawande
2008 Forrest Sawyer
2007 George Will
2006 Benazir Bhutto
2005 Thomas Friedman
2004 Jeff Greenfield
2003 Fred Thompson
2002 Cokie Roberts
2001 Madame Jehan Sadat
2000 Brian Mulroney
1999 Sam Donaldson

1998 Bob Newhart
1997 Bill Cosby
1996 Charles Osgood
1995 Mark Russell
1994 Dave Barry
1993 Jack Kemp
1992 Art Buchwald
1991 Alex Haley
1990 Beverly Sills

1989 James R. Schlesinger
1988 Tip O'Neill
1987 Jeane Kirkpatrick
1986 Arkady Shevchenko
1985 Peter Ueberroth
1984 Sander Vancour
1983 Alexander Haig
1982 John Chancellor
1981 Gerald Ford

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