
Our Students

Not Your Typical Student

The majority of justice management students work full-time in justice-related careers such as parole and probation, juvenile detention, alternatives to incarceration programs, corrections, court administration, law enforcement, child protection services, counseling, law practice and the judiciary. Positions range from front-line staff to supervisors to directors. Others work in education or in the private sector. A small but growing percentage are recent university graduates seeking a career in justice.

Not Your Typical Program

A key aspect of the Justice Management Program is the delivery of its courses online. The online aspect is essential as students reside all over the country. The typical justice management student requires a flexible program that can accommodate busy professional work schedules. As the program grew, the student-base broadened to include those in adult justice, corrections, law enforcement, court administration, education, counseling, legal practice, the judiciary and students who just recently completed bachelor's degrees.

While students residing in the Reno area may take designated University of Nevada, Reno courses from other departments (as set forth in the justice management curriculum catalog), most choose to take the justice management online courses to complete their degrees.

Student Options

Another important aspect of the Justice Management Program is the offering of both a thesis and a non-thesis option. The thesis option allows students to produce an academic research study in conjunction with earning their degree and the non-thesis option allows students to produce a professional paper that, while based in theory, encompasses an application approach and may be directly related to the improvement of some aspect of the justice system.

Sample Professional Project Titles

  • Foul Ball? The Impact Of the "Three Strikes and You're Out" in California
  • Hispanics and the Difficulties in Becoming Certified Language Interpreters
  • Physical Fitness and Mentoring as an Intervention to Reduce Juvenile Recidivism
  • Two Programs for Prison Moms
  • Challenges of Implementing the Sanctuary Model: Introducing Systemic Cultural Change in New York Juvenile Justice Facilities
  • Eighth Amendment and Medical Rights of Inmates: Civil Liability
  • Drug Court: Does It Work? A Preliminary Analysis of Findings
  • The True Benefit of the Police Volunteer Program
  • Can the Family Empowerment Program Reduce Recidivism?
  • An Outcome Evaluation of the Washoe County Mental Health Court