
Semester Course Offerings

Potential course start dates

The Justice Management Program offers 12-week online courses three times a year (January, May, August) as well as additional condensed course offerings yearly.

Potential spring online courses

  • JM 601 - Introduction to Justice Management
  • JM 602R - Methods of Program Research, Design, & Evaluation
  • JM 690B - Organizational Communications in the New Era
  • JM 690E - Cultural Competence
  • JM 703 - Judicial Process I (civil law and procedure)
  • JM 708 - Legal and Administrative Report Writing
  • JM 721 - Victims' Issues
  • JM 735 - Sp Top: Homeland Security Threat Groups
  • JM 780 - Independent Study
  • JM 781 - Internship
  • JM 791 - Sp Top: Juvenile Sex Offenders
  • JM 796R - Professional Project
  • JM 797 - Thesis
  • JM 899 - Graduate Advisement

Potential summer online courses

  • JM 690A - Sp Top JM: Crt Mgmt: PJJM
  • JM 690B - Managing with Creativity
  • JM 706 - Applied Ethics in Justice Management
  • JM 732 - History & Development of Parole & Probation
  • JM 780 - Independent Study
  • JM 781 - Internship
  • JM 899 - Graduate Advisement

Potential fall online courses

  • JM 601 - Introduction to Justice Management
  • JM 602 - Methods of Program Research, Design, & Evaluation
  • JM 690C - Caseflow/Court Administration
  • JM 704 - Judicial Process II (criminal law and procedure)
  • JM 705 - Juvenile and Family Law and Procedure
  • JM 708 - Legal and Administrative Report Writing
  • JM 723 - Intervention and Crime Prevention Programs
  • JM 734 - Mental Health Issues
  • JM 792 - Sp top: Gang Issues
  • JM 793 - Sp top: Specialty Courts
  • JM 780 - Independent Study
  • JM 781 - Internship
  • JM 796R - Professional Project
  • JM 797 - Thesis
  • JM 899 - Graduate Advisement