Be a tutor
Tutor applications
We are always looking for qualified tutors to work at the Math Center. You do not have to be a math major to be a tutor.
Minimum qualifications:
- Be currently enrolled as a University of Nevada, Reno student
- Have completed Calculus I (Math 181 at the University of Nevada, Reno)
- Earned at least a B in all college math courses
- Possess good interpersonal and communication skills
Application process:
Interested students should submit an application form and an unofficial transcript to the Math Center.
- You can submit your application to the University Math Center in person -Pennington Student Achievement Center, Room 300.
- Or email it to:
If your application qualifies, you will be contacted to take the Math Center tutor exam.
University Math Center tutor exam
In order to apply for a tutoring position in the University Math Center, a student must take a math proficiency exam. The exam contains algebraic/trigonometric topics and a review of calculus concepts.
The exam is not timed and typically applicants take about 1.5 - 2 hours to finish, please plan accordingly. Books, notes, and calculators are not allowed on the exam. Students are encouraged to show as much work as possible: partial credit is awarded for correct work.
Below is a study guide. There is a copy of the reference texts in the Math Center Lab. You can use these books to study but they cannot leave the room.
Review for algebra/pre-calculus topics
Reference Text: Algebra and Trigonometry, 4th edition, Michael Sullivan, Ch 1-8; Sect 9.1, 9.5; Sect 12.1.
- Algebra rules: exponents, square roots, logarithms, absolute values, fractions, order of operations, properties, domain, factoring, quadratic formula, Pythagorean Theorem
- Equations and inequalities involving: polynomials, absolute value, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithm functions, systems of equations, solution sets
- Graphing functions: circles, polynomials, absolute value, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithm functions
- Setting up equations from information given in word problems
Review for calculus topics
Reference Text: Single Variable Calculus, 3rd edition, James Stewart. Ch 2; Ch 3; Sect 4.2, 4.3; Sect 5.2-5.6.
- Limits: one-sided, two-sided, infinite, continuity, holes, asymptotes
- Basic derivatives: polynomials, trigonometric, exponential and logarithm functions
- Derivative rules: product, quotient, chain, implicit differentiation
- Interpreting derivatives: relative and global maxima and minima, inflection points
- Basic integrals: definite, involving polynomials, and trigonometric functions
Depending on your application and test score, we will contact you for an interview. If you have any questions please e-mail