The Math Center lab is located in the Pennington Student Achievement Center on the 3rd floor. The Math Center is in room 300 and the administrative offices are in 303 and 304.
Yes. A University of Nevada, Reno student ID is required for EVERY visit to the Math Center. Knowing your ID number NOT an acceptable substitute. It's necessary that we keep accurate statistics regarding the usage of the Center. We can only do that with student IDs. If you do not bring your student ID, you will not be allowed to use the Math Center.
Graphing calculators available for rent for $20/semester. The rental fee is paid via in "Purchase Additional Resources." Once the fee is paid show the receipt the Math Center Staff to rent a calculator.
The Math Center does not offer private tutoring as part of our services. However, the Math Center and the Math/Stat Department keeps a list of people who offer their services as private tutors.